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D. Mark Davis, 2011 |
$19.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Left Behind and Loving It is a cheeky critique of popular writings about the end times. Rather than presenting a steroid-buffed Jesus wrapped in an American flag and "coming again in clouds of gunfire," Left Behind and Loving It invites readers to approach some of the most controversial and scary portions of the Scriptures with the utter confidence that "God's steadfast love endures forever." Rather than asserting a hope premised on a few chosen ones escaping the world, Left Behind and Loving It argues that if it is Jesus who is to return (and not his evil twin), then the second coming has redemption written all over it. Many today cannot accept the escapist, violent, end-of-the-world scenario envisioned by "Left Behind" theology. Left Behind and Loving It invites readers not to fear but to trust in God's steadfast love and look at the finitude of the world with hope in an infinitely loving God. 118 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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$16.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The extraordinary success of the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins shows that their action/adventure novels have tapped into the American psyche. It has revived our fascination with vivid images of the book of Revelation and other biblical texts: the Antichrist, the mysterious number 666, and people suddenly "raptured" into the sky by God. But is there something dangerous behind the thinking in these books and how they play out in our world today? In Left Behind or Left Befuddled, Gordon Isaac takes the reader inside the theology behind the series. In clear and accessible prose, Isaac answers many important questions that Christians have about the phenomenon that is Left Behind. 168 pages, paper, name index, Scripture index, subject index.
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Will unbelievers and half-hearted churchgoers have 7 more years to make up their minds about Christ after He raptures the Church? LEFT BEHIND gives them all a 'second chance.' But is that what Jesus taught? His parables of the talents, the wise and foolish virgins, the wheat and the tares, and the faithful and evil servant all show him returning unexpectedly with both rewards and punishments in his hands. Neither the parables nor the plain words of Christ teach a second chance for those surprised by his coming. But LEFT BEHIND does. Few Christians realize LEFT BEHIND tosses aside the teachings of Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Wesley, Wycliffe and Spurgeon. Read dozens of quotes from these and other respected sources that show LEFT BEHIND strays far from the truths Bible readers have understood for centuries. 141 pages, paper, bibliography.
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$13.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In the last few years, books in the Left Behind fiction series, co-authored by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, have taken Christian publishing by storm. Although the books are fictional, they are based on--and promote--a particular understanding of end times events that flow from the authors' theological context and approach to biblical interpretation. Here, Flesher describes and challenges the theological framework, interpretative practices, socio-political ideologies, and the end times scenario that, while prominent in the Left Behind series, are not shared by most biblical scholars. Flesher outlines how to read the Bible and exposes the use and abuse of Scripture to support the peculiar doctrines of "Rapture" and "Tribulation." Demonstrating how theological preconceptions guide the use of Bible texts, she explodes the myth of "literal interpretation" and highlights the importance of understanding history, context and literary genre. 163 pages, paper.
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$4.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
This study guide is designed primarily with small groups in mind. In concert with the book, it will help readers explore alternative understandings of Scripture passages that have been linked to the end times including the books of Revelation and Daniel. It will encourage and enable readers to think more deeply about the implications of various end times views, and it provides specific perspectives that challenge the end times views espoused by the best-selling fiction series. It can also be used for individual study. 32-page booklet.
$12.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In Who Will Be Left Behind and When?, Dave Bussard takes a look at what the Bible has to say about end-time issues and takes aim at today's popular teachings on the pretribulation rapture, examining them in light of the scriptural facts. Although Bussard does not give a name to the timing of the rapture in this book, his views introduce the reader to the prewrath timing, which is growing in popularity as the most accurate, biblically consistent view on the rapture today. 161 pages, paper.
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