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Dr. Paul H. Wright, 2012
The Best "Then and Now" Bible Atlas Ever — It has Features No Other Has!
This atlas gives you incredible insights into your favorite Bible stories. 272 pages, hardcover.
Rose Publishing, 2020
The NEW and EXPANDED Edition of the best-selling Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps! With more than 30 new pages of highly detailed relief maps, full-color illustrations, and diagrams, this book lets you see where places of the Bible are today. The clear plastic overlays show modern cities and countries on top of beautifully rendered relief Bible maps. Connect the "Middle East" of the news with the Holy Land in Scripture! Clear plastic overlays show modern cities and countries on top of Bible maps relevant to the patriarchs, Jesus, Paul, and the early church. Expanded edition includes 30 new pages of charts, illustrations, diagrams, and more. Approx. 72 reproducible pages, 9.5" x 11.25" spiralbound hardcover.
Rose Publishing, 1997
Now you can campare the places mentioned in the Bible with modern day cities and countries. Make Bible study even more interesting by showing where Bible places are today.
Then and Now Bible Maps give you full-color Bible maps with clear plastic overlays of modern cities and countries in this 20-page 8 1/2 X 11 spiral bound book. This fantastic map book contains all the following maps, along with time lines, and index:
Rose Publishing, 2017 |
$37.95 Retail $39.99 | Ships within 24 hours! |
This ready-to-use PowerPoint presentation assists you in showing your students where Bible places are today. The "then" maps show locations and regions as they were in Bible times. The "now" maps show modern-day borders and locations in red over the Bible times maps. CD Features:
Computer System Requirements: To run this version of Deluxe PowerPoint Then and Now Bible Maps, you must have Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or higher already installed on your computer (this CD does not come with PowerPoint application) and Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 or higher (if printing out the handouts), as well as -- Minimum for PCs: Intel Core 2 Duo or better, Windows XP or higher, 256-Color Monitor. Minimum for Macintoshes: Mac OS 10.6 or higher Intel Core 2 Duo or higher, 256-Color Monitor.
$16.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
An ultra-thin Bible atlas that fits in the back of your Bible. This incredible full color 44-page Bible atlas has clear plastic overlays of modern-day cities and countries. Now you can have "Then and Now" Bible maps inside your Bible. Includes 44 pages; 8 plastic overlays; all maps in full color; larger print than other Bible map inserts; every major city in the Bible; a Bible time line; index; separate maps for each of Paul's Journeys. 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
$4.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Where are Bible Lands today? This handy quick reference fold-out shows you! It contains more than a dozen Bible maps that include the modern-day boundaries in red. Modern-day cities and countries are shown with red type, or red underline if the name is still the same. Fantastic for comparing places in the news with places in the Bible. Fits in the back of most Bibles. Size: 8.5” x 5.5” Unfolds to 38 inches. Includes the following maps:
$15.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The Holy Land: Then and Now compares a Bible map of the Holy Land during Old Testament times side-by-side with a map of modern-day Holy Land. The clear, colorful map with large print provides a simple way of enhancing Old Testament stories of Moses, Joshua, the 12 Tribes, Joseph, the kings of Israel. Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on back of this chart. Wall map size: 19.5” x 26” heavy chart paper, laminated.
$15.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The Middle East: Then and Now compares a Bible map of the Middle East side-by-side with a modern-day map. The clear, colorful map with large print provides a simple way of enhancing many Old Testament Bible stories, including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Adam and Eve, Noah’s ark, the Tower of Babel, Daniel, and Esther. Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on back of this chart. Wall map size: 19.5” x 26” heavy chart paper, laminated.
$15.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Where Jesus Walked: Then and Now compares a Bible map of the lands where Jesus walked, side-by-side with modern-day cities and countries of the same area. Shows Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Jericho, the Jordan River, and every other place Jesus walked. Great for teaching the Gospels and the book of Acts. Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on back of this chart. Wall map size: 19.5” x 26” heavy chart paper, laminated.
$15.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Paul's Journeys: Then and Now compares a Bible map of the lands where Paul traveled, side-by-side with a modern-day map of those same lands. The clear, colorful map provides a simple way of enhancing many New Testament Bible stories, including Paul's Journeys, Barnabas, Silas, the Road to Damascus, Peter, and the churches of Revelation. Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on back of this chart. Wall map size: 19.5” x 26” heavy chart paper, laminated.
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