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Bill Salus, 2021 |
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Jesus Christ is about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will be like. Some of the topics explored are:
Discover why the Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other period in the past, present or future, including the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year-Tribulation Period. This book encourages Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the MARVELOUS MILLENNIUM. 344 pages, paperback.
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So much of today's prophetic conversation is framed by the excerpts in Scripture that revolve around persecution, Beasts and Dragons, "Selas", "Trumpets", and, of course, the Anti-Christ. With so much focus on the expected horrors of the future, the fulfillment of God's plan for redemption and the return of Messiah Yeshua become little more than an afterthought. But the hope that was spoken of through the years was not completed with the events leading up to Messiah's return, but in the Kingdom that would be established upon the return of Yeshua.
In The Coming King, R. Baruch examines the whole of Scripture to shed light on this growing controversy within God's people today, as well as paint a picture of this future Thousand-Year Kingdom and the character of the very King who all of history has been waiting for. 175 pages, paperback.
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For nineteen centuries and counting, the Church has been made to look like a joke in the eyes of the world as predictions of Christ's Second Coming or Return and other related end-time events have supposedly come and gone without fulfillment. This book offers a unique solution. Herein, the author analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the four major views, discards their weaknesses, and synthesizes their strengths into one meaningful, coherent, and cogent view that is more Christ-honoring, Scripture-authenticating, and faith-validating than any one view in and of itself. The four views in order of their prominence today are: dispensational premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism, and preterism. 451 pages, paperback, appendix, Scripture index.
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Do you wish you clearly understood the different views of the millenium and know why you believe which view you hold to? General editors and experienced bible scholars John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue help to provide a clear and convincing Biblical explanation for the interpretive approach to Scripture that results in a knowable futuristic view of Christ's millennial reign on earth. Christ's Prophetic Plans also helps provide the certain validity of God's promises to future Israel, and the crucial differences between Israel (as a people and a nation) and the New Testament church.
Christ's Prophetic Plans offers the reader John MacArthur's most explicit writing on eschatology and is perfect for pastors, bible professors, teachers, and students with a heart and mind for discovering Biblical truth. This primer takes you on a Biblical study of questions surrounding prophecy, Israel, the rapture, and the different millennial views. The fruit of such study is great as God specifically promises His blessing on those who know and obey the things of biblical prophecy (Revelation 1:3; 22:7). 220 pages, paperback, glossary, Scripture index.
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Explores the three main evangelical views on the end times: premillennial (written by Craig Blaising), postmillennial (written by Kenneth Gentry, Jr.), and amillennial (written by Robert Strimple and Richard Gaffin). Editor Darrell Bock outlines the major differences between the three views so you can compare their strengths and weaknesses. 330 pages, paper, bibliography, index.
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Professor Robert Clouse has brought together four proponents of the four major millennial views: George Eldon Ladd presents historic premillennialism; Herman A. Hoyt writes on dispensational premillennialism; Loraine Boettner discusses the postmillennial view; and Anthony A. Hoekema describes the amillennial position. After each major essay, the other three writers respond from the perspective of their own view.
224 pages, paper
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This book explores the Biblical prophecies concerning “the Last Days”. It looks at scriptures about the rapture of the church, the time of tribulation, the anti-christ, Armageddon, and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It argues for a literal interpretation of the Bible, and opposes the Amillennialist view of the end times. It looks at the signs that Jesus said would indicate His coming is near, including the fact that Israel is again a nation. It is the author’s conclusion that the Lord will return for His believers very soon. 186 pages, paper.
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Are We Living in the Last Days? argues that how we interpret the Bible, our hermeneutic, determines what we believe about prophecy in the Bible. The author examines the three dominant Protestant methods for interpreting the Bible (Mainline Denomination Liberalism, Covenantal Theology and Dispensational Theology) and their respective positions on new and classic topics of the Apocalypse to shed light on their meaning today. In exploring the prophetic subjects, many other pertinent issues are tackled including the Gnostic gospels, the dangers of literalism, how Liberalism and Evangelicalism differ on the meaning of truth in the Bible, and why some theologians dismiss the future value of Bible Prophecy. 312 pages, paperback.
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