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Also See: Left Behind Biblical Prophecy Series | Hal Lindsey DVDs | Israel in Prohpecy DVDs | New World Order DVDs |

The Pre-Tribulation Prophecies

A Prophetic Documentary

Tom Hughes & Bill Salus, 2021

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In this timely two-disc teaching DVD, Bible prophecy experts Tom Hughes and Bill Salus reveal the prophecies that could occur before the seven-year-tribulation period begins. Some of these ancient biblical predictions are ready to roll off of thier parchments NOW! Are you ready for the:

  • Disaster in Iran and the destruction of Damascus,
  • Toppling of jordan and terrorization of Egypt,
  • Final Arab-Israeli war of Psalm 83,
  • Exceedingly great Israeli army and expansion of Israel,
  • Vanishing of the Christians,
  • Russian, Turkish and Iranian invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38,
  • Decline of America,
  • Unrestrained supernatural satanic deception,
  • Arrival of the Antichrist,
  • World wars and global famines, plagues and pestilences,
  • Harlot world religion of "Mystery Babylon,"
  • Three periods of post-rapture Christian martyrdom,
  • True content of the "False Covenant,"
  • Two-phased "Overflowing Scourge" that overtakes the planet,
  • Start of the third Jewish temple's construction?

Some Christians believe that they will be raptured to heaven soon, and frankly don't care much about what happens afterward. Tom and Bill explain how some of these pre-tribulation prophecies MIGHT actually precede the RAPTURE. Are you aware of, and prepared for, these powerful foretold events? Two-Disc DVD Set. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

The Millennium Prophecies


Bill Salus, 2021

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Welcome to the teaching DVD from book four of an end times non-

Jesus Christ is about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will be like. Some of the topics explored are:

  • The Seventy-Five Day Interval that precedes the MILLENNIUM.
  • The Faithful Jewish Remnant Returns to Israel.
  • The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, (Jesus Christ Weds His Church).
  • The Role of the Christian Church in the MILLENNIUM.
  • The Resurrections of the Old Testament and Tribulation Saints.
  • The Fates of Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet, Fallen Angels and Demons.
  • The Judgment of the Sheep and Goat Gentiles.
  • The General Living Conditions in the MILLENNIUM.
  • The Millennial Jerusalem, Temple and Twelve Tribal Territories.
  • Why Christ Rules from Jerusalem with a Rod of Iron.
  • The Jewish and Gentile Governments in the MILLENNIUM.
  • Mankind Maintains a Sin Nature in the MILLENNIUM.
  • The Second Gog of Magog invasion after the MILLENNIUM.
  • The White Throne Judgment, Second Death and Lake of Fire.
  • The Aftermath of the MILLENNIUM and then the Eternal Order.
  • The NEW JERUSALEM is the City of Gold.
  • When God Wipes Away Every Tear and Death is No More.

This video is the teaching companion DVD for the book by Bill Salus entitled The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW JERUSALEM

DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

The Final Prophecies

The Prophecies in the Last 3 1/2 Years of the Tribulation

Bill Salus, 2020

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24 hours!

Welcome to the teaching DVD from book four of an end times non-fiction series by Bill Salus. The NOW Prophecies, The NEXT Prophecies, The LAST Prophecies and now The Final Prophecies will escort you chronologically from NOW until the SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST! Identified below are a few of the topics covered in The FINAL Prophecies, The Prophecies in the Last 3 1/2 Years of the Tribulation:

  • Mystery Babylon and the Harlot world religion,
  • The rise of the Antichrist and False Prophet,
  • The Image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast,
  • The cashless global economy of the Antichrist,
  • The Antichrist attempts Jewish and Christian genocide,
  • The WRATH OF GOD pours out of the Seven Bowl Judgments,
  • The Antichrist assembles his armies for Armageddon,
  • The Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST!

DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Also available in Paperback Book

The Last Prophecies


Bill Salus, 2019

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Don't get left behind to experience the Tribulation Period! But, do leave this DVD behind for your unsaved loved ones! The LAST Prophecies DVD delivers two timely PowerPoint messages that inform of the turbulent Tribulation Period events. Discover the GOOD NEWS that happens amidst the devastation!

This is the teaching DVD taken from the Bill Salus book entitled, The LAST Prophecies: The Prophecies in the First 3 1/2 Years of the Tribulation.

Message 1: The LAST Prophecies: The Prophecies in the First 3 1/2 Years of the Tribulation.
The topics include:

  • The Terminal Generation (What it is and How to Escape it)
  • How Israel Gains World Renown after Ezekiel 38
  • The Coming Third Jewish Temple
  • Supernatural Signs and Lying Wonders
  • The Harlot Religion of "Mystery Babylon"
  • The 144,000 Hebrew Evangelists
  • The Two Witnesses
  • A Worldwide Christian Revival
  • The 3 Phases of Christian Martyrdom
  • The Seven Seal Judgments
  • The Seven Trumpet Judgments
  • The Unholy Harlot and Antichrist Alliance
  • The Ten Kings and Other Kings in the Tribulation

Bonus Message 2: Who is the Mysterious Woman of Revelation 17?

This explores the true identity and actual location of the Great City of end times Babylon. Is it Rome, New York City, Jerusalem, Mecca or Babylon in Iraq? DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Also available in Paperback Book

The NEXT Prophecies


Bill Salus, 2018

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The NEXT PROPHECIES 2-disc DVD is the teaching companion video for The NEXT PROPHECIES book, which is the sequel to The NOW PROPHECIES book and DVD.

The NEXT PROPHECIES DVD addresses the following topics:

  • Psalm 83, The Final Arab-Israeli War,
  • Ezekiel 38, “Gog of Magog” invasion,
  • The Pre-Tribulation Time-Gap Mystery,
  • Satanic Supernatural Deception, (Super-Signs and Lying-Wonders),
  • The Rise of the Antichrist, (The Lawless One),
  • The Revealing of Mystery Babylon, (The Harlot World Religion),
  • The Opening of the Seal Judgments, (The 4-Horsemen of the Apocalypse),
  • World Wars, Famines and Pestilences,
  • The Decline of Islam, (Allah loses his Akbar),
  • The False Covenant that triggers the Tribulation Period,
  • Christian Martyrdom, (The Fifth Seal Saints).

The NEXT PROPHECIES DVD prepares the reader for powerful future world events! Don’t get LEFT BEHIND to face The NEXT PROPHECIES! Two-Disc DVD.DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Also available in Paperback Book

The NOW Prophecies


Bill Salus, 2016

$14.95 Temporarily
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God's word to Noah was to prepare NOW for a worldwide flood. God's word to Joseph was to prepare Pharaoh and Egypt NOW for seven years of famine. God's word to Jeremiah was to prepare the Jews NOW for seventy years of exile into Babylon. The key word in these historical examples was NOW! What does God's Word say for us to prepare for NOW? What are the tough decisions we need to make? This DVD identifies and explains the Biblical Prophecies that wer written ages ago for this generation! It contains two important lessons from the NOW Prophecies Book. They are entitled, "Preparing for the Coming Prophecies" and "Nuclear Showdown in Iran, Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam." DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Also available in Paperback Book

The Passover Prophecies


Chuck D. Pierce, 2020

$19.95 Ships within
24 hours!

Is This a Modern-Day Plague?

How Can God's People "Pass Over" into Victory?

One of America's most respected prophetic voices brings a critical message to a nation--and world--at a crossroads. Specially recorded as a companion to The Passover Prophecies, this DVD enhances the message of the book and features forty-year prophetic ministry veteran Chuck Pierce sharing about the new spiritual era we are in and how it affects your life. Pierce shares what God is saying from a Hebraic perspective and helps you gain understanding and prophetic insight as he encourages you to move forward, feed your faith, and know that even in the midst of uncertainty, God's kingdom shall overcome and His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. Running Time: 65 minutes. Language: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Also available in Paperback Book

Apocalypse Road

APOCALYPSE ROAD, Revelation for the Final Generation - DVD

Bill Salus, 2017

Retail $15.95
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Apocalypse Road, Revelation for the Final Generation DVD is the companion video for the book of the same name. This single disc DVD includes 100 minutes of revelatory teachings taken directly from the book. The topics explored include:

  • The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
  • Greater Israel after the prophetic wars of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38
  • Why Mystery Babylon is Roman Catholicism and not Islam
  • Introducing the Time-Gap between the Rapture and the 7-Year Tribulation Period (The Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Gap)
  • The Tribulation covenant between Israel and the Catholic Church
  • The identity of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • The Pre-Tribulation timing of the first 5 Seal Judgments
  • The 3 groups of martyred Christians after the Rapture

These are just a few of the topics covered in this timely teaching DVD. Running time: 100 minutes. Language: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Get Apocalypse Road in Paperback

Church in the End Times

Weathering the Coming Storm Series

Dr. Chuck Missler, 2013

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What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times? How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends, and within your community? This DVD follows the wonderful success of the 'Weathering the Coming Storm' series where Dr. Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen dealt with global, national, and personal issues impacting all of our lives today. Church in the End Times serves as the NEXT STEP in equipping ourselves with the tools and insights we need to be a guiding light to a world coping in the Last Days darkness of chaos and deceit. Runtime: 120 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)

The Triumphant Return


Mac Dominick, 2011

Retail $24.99
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Through current events, Satan is building his One World Church, the One World Antichrist and the One World Religion to be headed by the False Prophet. This DVD deals with the One World Church and the One World Government. Emphasis is laid on the building of the prophesied 10-Nation confederation and how Antichrist will arise once the Plan is fully worked out. The False Prophet will lead the One World Church and be headed by the Pontiff of Rome. Current events are pointing resolutely to the reality that the False Religious Prophet is the Pope, whomever he is at the time. This DVD teaches the reality of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and how this blessed hope of the Christian is becoming more obvious with each passing day. Dispensationalism is discussed and taught and presented as the only way in which we can make sense of God's prophetic time line and the difference God makes between Israel and the Church. Running Time: 2 hours. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)

The Rapture

Christianity's Most Preposterous Belief
Version 2.0

Dr. Chuck Missler, 2010

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There continue to be many questions concerning the "Rapture" of the Church and its apparent contrast with the "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ. Where does this strange view come from? Is the term "rapture" even in the Bible? Clearly, the idea of the Rapture can be considered the most preposterous belief in Biblical Christianity. The situation regarding the doctrine of the Rapture is painfully similar to the famous quote by Dr. Richard Feynman, speaking of quantum physics:

I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics... in fact, it is often stated of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it, in fact, is that it is unquestionably correct.

Running Time: 120 minutes. DVD Region Code 0 (Worldwide)

Biblical Collector's Series

Biblical Collector's Series

Grizzly Adams Productions, Inc., 2006

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Two Feature Presentations:

Biblical Rapture - Will We Be Left Behind? Some scholars believe the Bible tells us there will be a marvelous event, called “The Rapture” that will separate the faithful from the doubters. Could there be a formula – hidden in the pages of the Bible – for avoiding the dreadful final scenes foretold in the Book of Revelation? Many people believe in the “second coming” of Christ…but will there be a “third” coming as well? The answers are at once hopeful and frightening. Learn who will be left behind, and who will be taken in the Rapture.

Biblical Armageddon - Was the Six-Day War the Start of Armageddon? Against all odds, the tiny nation of Israel and its civilian army scored a decisive military victory during the 1967 Six-Day War. How was this possible? Stories abound of the appearance of mysterious troops and sophisticated weaponry that aided the Israelis in their victory. Was the outcome of this conflict foretold by biblical writings thousands of years prior to the actual event? What unexplained miraculous events, as retold in amazing detail by Six-Day War Veterans, contributed to an Israeli victory? Is this just one in a series of current events foretelling the End Times? The answers could change your thinking forever. DVD Total Running Time: 1 hour 47 minutes. DVD Region Code 0 (Worldwide)

More Prophecy DVDs

Projection for Survival


narrated by Leon Bates, 2007

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Hundreds of visuals narrated by Leon Bates, covering "God's Plan of the Ages" (Past, Present, and Future Events), "How to know with proof that our eternal home will be in Heaven," and Practical Tips for the Victorious Christian Walk." Divided into five sections - 1. Creation to the Cross, 2. Cross to 2nd Coming, 3. 2nd Coming to Eternity, 4. Making sure of Heaven and 5. The Christian Walk. 95 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)

Projection For Survival Power Point CD

The End Times in the Words of Jesus

In the Words of Jesus - VHS & DVD

Questar Films, 2003

VHS Video
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DVD Version
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Examines the major events that will immediately precede and unfold during the Tribulation period. The Rapture of the Church, a time when Jesus Christ will appear and take the faithful to heaven instantly. The Rise of the Antichrist, a world leader empowered by Satan. The outpouring of God's wrath and the Final Judgment upon the earth. The Triumphant Return of Jesus. Features insights from Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Ed Hindson, and Dr. Thomas Ice. 60 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada)


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