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As It Was In the Days of Noah

Warnings from Bible Prophecy About the Coming Global Storm

Jeff Kinley, 2014, 2022

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Noah’s story is remembered as a Sunday school lesson taught with felt-board animals—yet the Bible paints a darker picture, one in which earth’s people grew so wicked God had to destroy them in a global flood. Millenia later, Jesus prophesied the same widespread spiritual rebellion would mark the days leading into the end times.

From bestselling prophecy author Jeff Kinley, As It Was in the Days of Noah reveals the parallels between the time before flood and our current culture, highlighting the rise in evil, the surge in immorality, and the pandemic of godlessness. This book

  • examines the signs that the end times are rapidly drawing nearer
  • affirms the urgency of reaching the lost with God’s compassionate truth
  • quips believers to live wisely, making their days count for eternity

As It Was in the Days of Noah illuminates the biblical evidence that God’s judgment is imminent—and reveals how Noah’s story provides a deep reservoir of hope for all who follow Christ. 215 pages, paperback.

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China and End-Time Prophecy

How God is Using the Red Dragon to Fulfill His Ultimate Purposes

Eugene Bach, 2021

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For years, China’s population size, economic growth, and thirst for military power have taken center stage by those who study biblical prophecy. Most end-time experts have seen the “Red Dragon” as an aggressor to Israel. In Revelation 16 and 19, John's mention of the armies involved in the final battle marking the end of the world could well depict China’s army today. However, a different kind of army is also rising in China, and it is quickly approaching two hundred million people. This army is for Christ--it is a host of Christians from the Chinese underground House Church. Even under intense persecution, these believers are motivated by a powerful vision to complete the Great Commission by bringing the gospel to unreached peoples in China's eastern provinces and to all the countries between the border of China and the city of Jerusalem.

This book may change your view of end-time prophecy. It explores the missions phenomenon of the Chinese church as an eschatological event, confirmed by both the Old and New Testaments, that is connected to the sign of the return of Jesus Christ. God is using the Red Dragon to fulfill His ultimate purposes. China and End-Time Prophecy will show you why the completion of the Great Commission is inevitable and the return of Christ is unstoppable. 208 pages, paperback.

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God's End-Time Temple

The Prophetic Blueprint of Zerubbabel's Temple, and the Plan to Fill His People with Glory for Worldwide Awakening

Tracy Eckert, 2020

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Unlock Biblical secrets concerning the church in the last days.

This book is a prophetic vision of the end-times church. By comparing biblical accounts of Zerubbabel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Melchizedek, with recent global events, this book unlocks biblical secrets regarding these last days, preparing you to walk in the fullness of your destiny. The call is clear: If the people of God are to bring about outpouring and revival, we must learn to function in our biblical roles as priests and kings, ministering before the Lord and boldly carrying His Kingdom into society. Pastor, prayer warrior, and marketplace leader, Tracy Eckert shares her incredible journey with the Lord as He revealed His blueprint for this “Capstone generation” of the end-times church. 230 pages, paperback.

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The Passover Prophecies

How God is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis

Chuck D. Pierce, 2020

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One of America’s most respected prophetic voices brings a critical message to a nation—and world—at a crossroads. In September 2019, God revealed to Chuck Pierce that between February and April 2020, plague-like conditions would hit the earth. The Lord said, “I will be waiting to see which nations ‘pass over.’” Just like the very first Passover, God is looking for a remnant that will hold strong and bring His love to a hurting planet. Pierce divides the rumors from the Word and answers such questions as the following:

  • Why would the current situation be happening around the time of Passover 2020?
  • Is this a modern-day plague for a modern-day Passover?
  • Are nations still trying to bring other nations under their control and economic rule?
  • What is Israel’s role in this critical time?
  • How do we move forward today?

In the midst of pandemic, God is also assuring His church that after this period, for those who hold fast to Jesus, there will be a time of celebration. In The Passover Prophecies, Pierce delves into the ancient biblical signs that point toward a glorious future for the people of God. Move forward, feed your faith, and know that even in the midst of uncertainty, His kingdom shall overcome, and His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. 152 pages, paperback.

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The Handbook for the End Times

Hope, Help and Encouragement for Living in the Last Days

Don Finto, 2018

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In the last days just ahead, we will experience the darkest days in all of history--but the people of God will experience an extraordinary outpouring of God's supernatural power and protection. In this hopeful and inspiring call to action, bestselling author and pastor Don Finto challenges believers around the world to become radical doers of His will and puveyors of His power despite the looming darkness. Drawing deeply from Scripture, he reveals how we can read the signs of the times and ready ourselves for the exciting days ahead, including how to

  • recapture godly imagination
  • live and pray God's Word
  • contend for God's promises
  • keep in step with the Spirit
  • live in genuine community
  • and much more!

Evil is on the rise. But even greater are the amazing conquests of the Lord's army. Our best days lie ahead. 234 pages, paperback, appendices, index.

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FLOODGATES: Recognize the End-Time Signs to Survive the Coming Wrath

David R. Parsons, 2018

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When Jesus’s disciples asked for His views on the end times, He pointed to the “days of Noah” as the key to unlock the timing of “the coming of the Son of Man.” But what exactly did He mean by that? Floodgates unravels precisely what happened in the Flood of Noah and explains why this important biblical event is so analogous to our day. By tracking humanity’s moral slide during Noah’s generation, we roll back the curtain on our own times in remarkable ways. We also discover a clear biblical paradigm for determining where we are on the prophetic timetable, based on the actual teachings of Jesus and the apostles. After reading Floodgates, you will know if the countdown to final judgment has already begun. Reflecting careful research and keen biblical insights, Floodgates reveals God’s righteous dealings with humanity and the fate that soon awaits those now in open rebellion against Him. Author David Parsons lays the axe to the root of this moral rebellion, found in the collapsing claims of Darwinian evolution. He also identifies God’s “end game”—His specific strategy—for how He wants to bring this present age to a close. As we draw nearer to that day, Jesus calls every believer to be salt and light in the world, warning people of the coming judgment and showing the way to eternal life in Him. This book is a powerful reminder that everyone has a choice to make concerning their ultimate destiny—and time is growing short. 272 pages, paperback, bibliography.

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The End-Times President, A Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon

Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson, 2018

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The Stunning victory of "the chaos candidate" Donald Trump not only confounded the predictions of pundits and pollsters but convinced many that the world is on the fast track to the end of human civilization. Many are now asking: Will President Trump guide America and the free world through a series of major crises as the biblical end-times narrative unfolds and as many people with prophetic gifts are predicting, or will he trigger the "Trumpocalypse," resulting in World War III and nuclear Armageddon?

Trumpocalypse explores the enigmatic prophecies and "biblical codes" involving Trump, the revolution against the globalist elites, the economic "reset" announced by International Monetary Fund officials, the occult elite's secret plan for humanity and campaign of mass deception, the president's mysterious link to the campaign to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem, and why Trump and millions of "deplorables" are fighting to stop the hidden agenda of the Estabishment--now largely controlling both political parties--that is making the "1 percent" even richer while working- and middle-class people watch their income and net worth flatline or plummet.

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Ready for the Return of Jesus

The Handbook of Preparing for the Return of Jesus

Steve Carey, 2011, 2016

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This book will help you determine if you are ready for the return of Jesus; and if not, what to do about it. Reaching beyond "End Times" fiction and speculation, this manual will help equip you to be watchful and ready for his return.

Learn how to more fully and personally experience Jesus:

  • Identify how genuine you current relationship with Jesus is.
  • Grow in maturity and emotional peace.
  • Be empowered to live a life of purity and grace.
  • Walk with trust and peace through life's storms.
  • Recognize him as Lord of all creation.
  • Understand and be prepared for his return.

This book seeks to ensure you are ready should Jesus return in your lifetime; but if He doesn't, that you are genuinely prepared to meet him at the end of your days--a time when you will stand before the Lord with the book of your life opened. 309 pages, paperback.

Unveiling the Mystery of the Last Days

An Israel-Centered Study of Revelation 13 and 666

Deborah Jean Stearn, 2012

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The secrets of the end times are hidden in scripture. The information in this book would be considered "top secret" in intelligence circles and represents truth that Satan does not want you to know. For years, he has been leading people to believe that a so-called Revived Roman Empire will rise, representing the "final beast empire" of Revelation 13. However, as this book will prove, the meanings of the original Hebrew in the Bible,in addition to numbers, patterns, and codes found therein, all point to an Israel centered interpretation of the last days and the fact that the beast is actually the religion and empire of Islam within religious Israel. In this fascinating study, you will explore the original text of the Bible to uncover exactly what will take place during the last days. You will also discover: • How Yahweh uses the Hebrew language in His plan • The meaning behind cryptic passages, such as Daniel 2, 7 and 9, and Revelation 13 and 17 • The mark, name of the beast, and 666 are all associated with the Islamic control of Israel • Lucifer's plan to trick the Jews of Israel to worship him instead of Yahweh • The prophetic importance of 2020 and its relation to Islam This ground-breaking research astoundingly supplements the recent findings of prominent Christian Islamic expositors, and is a must read for any serious truth seeker. 362 pages, paperback, appendix.

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How to Thrive in the Last Days

Biblical Strategies for Protection & Abundance in Trouble Times

Frontline Editors, 2015

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Stand on God's promises and fearlessly approach your future.
Believers need to arrest their fears of the future, harness the supernatural strategies of God, and learn how to feast in times of famine. End-time believers have access to every promise and provision made available in the Abrahamic covenant, and God once prophesied to Israel that they would prosper—even in Babylon. Believers can claim that promise for today. This book combines the prescriptions for success in the end-times from:

  • Recession-Proof Living by Bill Wiese
  • Breaking the Spirit of Poverty by Ed Montgomery
  • Prayers and Declarations for Provision and Blessings by John Eckhardt
  • With special commentary from Jim Bakker and John Hagee

244 pages, paperback.

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The Coming Economic Flood


Anthony Ho, 2014

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Are we living again in the days of noah--when another flood will suddenly burst upon the world with terrifying devastation? Anthony Ho believes so. This time, however, the flood will be economic. God is soon going to judge the global economies, writes Pastor Ho, and the results will be, as in Noah's day, swift and catastrophic. An engineer and scientist, Pastor Ho uses a reasoned approach--describing person visions from God that he corroborates with scientific data and Bible prophecy--to show why the collapse is imminent. He will tell you how to prepare spiritually for the flood, much like Noah did by building an ark. And he will show you ways that we, as Christians living amid the crisis, can point people to their only hope: Jesus. 51 pages, paperback.

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Ebola and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse


Sharon K. Gilbert, 2014

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Death rides upon an evil wind, and Hell follows with him; that is the grim scenario facing the world today. Biblical Prophecy is playing out in our daily headlines headlines which change minute by minute, hour by deadly hour, and it is growing clearer with each passing day that the world is simply not ready. Sharon K. Gilbert calls this event the Blood Snake Plague , because Ebola, when gazed upon through the clarifying lens of an Electron Microscope has a peculiar, linear, curving, reptilian appearance. This infinitesimally small virus, just 1/100 the thickness of a human hair, has but one plan: Hijack every human cell and force them to produce more Ebola virions more blood snakes, which in turn infect more humans until there is not one human left alive. That is the enemy s plan. That is why the Rider is given authority over the Earth, but God Himself restricts the enemy s plans and grants him the power to slay only one quarter of all mankind. Are you ready for the Rider and his Hellish Companion? The Blood Snake is his weapon, and it is a thirsty weapon thirsty for human blood. The enemy wants a bloodbath. Jesus Christ has given us prophecy so that we can warn others, and He wants us to be prepared. Are you? 131 pages, paperback.

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The Future of Us

Your Guide to Prophecy, Prayer, and the Coming Days

Julia Loren, 2014

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Everyone wants to know what is going on in the world today. A pure desire to see the future often sends seekers into some dark places. Instead, The Future of Us reveals the vivid portrait that God is painting through the words of His messengers—the prophets. The future is not written in the stars—it is safely hidden in God’s heart. Receive this fresh word for the church, featuring timely insights from respected prophets who are hearing the secrets hidden in God’s heart. The future is not hidden from you—it is hidden for you! The mysteries of the Kingdom were always meant to be discovered by God’s people. Start shaping your future by remaining intimate with the Father. The future is your opportunity to transform your world through greater love and ministry impact! Take your place in history, experience God’s heartbeat for the world, and shape the future by bringing His purposes to pass in your generation. 218 pages, paperback.

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As The Days of Noah Were

The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse

Minister Dante Fortson, 2010

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When Jesus delivered the Olivet Discourse just before His crucifixion, He taught His disciples the signs that would indicate that human history was coming to its climax. One of these signs was that the end would be "as the days of Noah were". Did He only mean that we would be caught off guard or was He referring to events so sinister in nature that they would test the faith of every man, woman, and child on the planet? Minister Dante Fortson takes the reader on a journey through Noah's life as he digs for the true meaning behind Jesus' words on the Mount of Olives. 328 pages, paperback, appendix.

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II Peter

II PETER: Standing Fast in the Last Days

Elwood McQuaid, 2001

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Second Peter's three chapters embody virtually everything we need to know to be equipped to function in these climactic days prior to the consummation of events on this planet. Chapter one addresses the program God has created to insure believers are fully furnished through His provision and their potential. Chapter two is, without question, the premier passage in Scripture exposing false teachers, their character, methods, and the carnage they create. It reveals the principles of deception practiced by contemporary charlatans and makes it easy to identify and respond to them. Chapter three sweeps us into the future with an awe-inspiring sense of grandeur. Why He has tarried His Coming, how you can help hasten the Messiah's appearance, and what eternity holds are all set before us in vivid descriptive patterns. In short, II Peter: Standing Fast in the Last Days will become an invaluable addition to your life as well as your personal library. 174 pages, paperback.

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The Return

THE RETURN: An End-Tim Epistle to the Church in America

Matthew J. Casey, 2010

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The time of the last great shaking has begun... and God is both wooing and warning His Church to RETURN to Him. With the heart of a shepherd and the unction of a prophet, Matthew Casey offers this loving but urgent call for genuine, Biblical revival in the American Church. From pulpit to pew, he shows the path of RETURN - to our first love for Christ, to the purity and power of the Spirit in our lives and fellowships, and to our God-ordained place of authority and righteous influence in our nation and throughout the world. This book will rekindle your passion for Christ, refresh your love for His Church, renew your burden for the lost, and revive your vision for how you can be a vessel of God's love and power in these Last Days. Read prayerfully... and expect to be changed. 128 pages, paperback.

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Prayer and the End of Days

Praying God's Purposes in Troubled Times

David Butts, 2009

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Terrorism. Financial Crisis. Moral Decline. In these days of uncertainty, we need to pray as never before. But how should we pray? What should we pray? Prayer and the End of Days provides encouragement and practical suggestions on how to pray in the midst of troubled times. It will move believers from fear and anxiety over current situations to trust and faith. 107 pages, paper.

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Signs, Wonders, and Worship

Tools of the End-Time Harvest

David Harris, 2007

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God will move more powerfully than ever before in these last days to possess a great harvest in every nation. Regional altars of perpetual worship and prayer will be established and national outpourings of revival will follow worldwide. We will not be a whimpering, frightened Church suffering the evils of Armageddon and the anti-Christ terrors. We will be leading the way with worship, reaping the end-times harvest with miracles, signs, and wonders! Scripturally sound, the author walks you through a powerful revival scenario of the Great Day of the Lord which is now upon us. 171 pages, paper, glossary, index.

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Earthquake Resurrection

EARTHQUAKE RESURRECTION: Supernatural Catalyst for the Coming Global Catastrophe

David W. Lowe, 2005

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Within the pages of EARTHQUAKE RESURRECTION lies a model for future events that will challenge the traditional interpretation of the prophecies of the Bible. Discover a shocking link between the resurrection of the dead and earthquakes which has momentous implications for a near-future global catastrophe which, according to Jesus and the apostle Paul, many will not escape. 323 pages, paper, appendix, bibliography.

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Glad to Be Left Behind


Dudley Hall, 2004

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Glad to Be Left Behind follows four teenagers as they search for answers when they are left behind after a tragic suicide. With Uncle Herm as their guide, Paul, Kristy, Chuck, and Francis look at life, death, church, the rapture, and Armageddon as they search for the reason they were left behind. Noah, Moses, Joseph, and David were all called to leave their former lives and become someone new in the Kingdom of God. They left behind what they had known and followed the dream of serving God. 188 pages, paper, appendix, glossary, bibliography.

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The Final Sign

Will You Know What to Look for at the End of the Age?

Peter Youngren, 1998

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In this profoundly unique exploration of end time events, internationally respected Bible scholar Peter Youngren reveals the one unmistakable sign concerning the return of Christ. While exposing many end-time myths (the narrow gate, the great falling away), Youngren sheds brilliant light on the true signs of the harvest that are occuring today (the rise of Spirit-filled churches, the population explosion, and the fall of communism).


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