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God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent Scriptures in God's Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. 165 pages, paperback.
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A Big-Picture Overview of Bible Prophecy
God’s fulfilled promises are a powerful reminder of the trustworthiness of his Word. Prophecy makes up nearly 30 percent of the Bible—and of that, 75 percent has already been accomplished! With The Chronological Guide to Bible Prophecy, author and illustrator Todd Hampson will deepen your sense of wonder for the Bible’s complete accuracy while guiding you through a timeline of God’s pledges to his people. You will…
This fun and informative book provides a comprehensive survey of the many prophecies found in Scripture, underlining their themes and illuminating why they bring us hope today. Complete with Todd’s signature illustrations, The Chronological Guide to Bible Prophecy is an invaluable resource for prophecy newcomers and enthusiasts alike. 205 pages, paperback.
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The COVID-19 pandemic unleashed a cascade of consequences that reached far beyond the virus itself. Governments became engorged with power, mandating lockdowns and vaccines as the isolation of millions of healthy citizens replaced family gatherings, concerts, church services, and more. World leaders began to leverage the crisis to address everything from climate change to human equality, conditioning followers for further tyranny.
As if these realities weren't alarming enough, a deeper, more sinister agenda was--and still is--at play. According to biblical prophecies, a one-world government will emerge in the end times, with Satan himself preparing to rule over the earth. While we aren't in those times yet, we're on the precipice of the final days--and we need to know what that means for our economy, our neighbors, and our families. In Global Reset Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley will open our eyes to how pandemics, natural disasters, and political unrest point toward the impending universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist. 182 pages, paperback.
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Is it possible that behind what is taking place in America and the world lies a mystery that goes back to the gods of the ancient world…and that they now have returned?
The Return of the Gods is the most explosive book Jonathan Cahn has ever written. It is so explosive and so revealing that no description here could do it justice. Jonathan Cahn is known for revealing the stunning mysteries, many from ancient times, that lie behind and are playing out in the events of our times. But with The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes this to an entirely new level and dimension.
The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America. The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture? Is it possible that these gods lie behind the most pivotal events, forces, and movements taking place in our nation and around the world at this very moment? Are the gods at this very moment transforming our culture, our children, our lives, and America itself? 250 pages, hardcover.
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75+ Signs of Jesus' Soon Return!
As the world grows more volatile with looming wars, rampant pandemics, and violence in the streets, many people are wondering, Is the end near?
YES! Jesus is coming soon! But it's wonderful news!
There is also plenty of bad news on the horizon?but not for the Christian. Jesus’ end-time agenda is to give you great hope and joy. He wants to bless you and prepare you for your destiny in these last days. For more than 30 years, author, minister, and host of the weekly End of Days Update Joseph Morris has been awakening the Church to Jesus’ hastening return, helping believers connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events. In End Times Made Easy, Joseph shares:
The simple truths in this book will empower you to run your race with joy in these last days, excited to see Jesus face to face! 305 pages, paperback, illustrated.
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Noah’s story is remembered as a Sunday school lesson taught with felt-board animals—yet the Bible paints a darker picture, one in which earth’s people grew so wicked God had to destroy them in a global flood. Millenia later, Jesus prophesied the same widespread spiritual rebellion would mark the days leading into the end times.
From bestselling prophecy author Jeff Kinley, As It Was in the Days of Noah reveals the parallels between the time before flood and our current culture, highlighting the rise in evil, the surge in immorality, and the pandemic of godlessness. This book
As It Was in the Days of Noah illuminates the biblical evidence that God’s judgment is imminent—and reveals how Noah’s story provides a deep reservoir of hope for all who follow Christ. 215 pages, paperback.
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Make no mistake: the Rapture is the beginning of the end.
Everything changed in a flash. There has never been anything like this--not even close. To say the world is stunned and bewildered is a colossal understatement. Untold chaos has ensued. Confusion reigns. There's a stampede of fear. Everyone, everywhere is asking the same question: What on earth just happened?
Dr. David Jeremiah, one of America's most trusted Bible teachers, anticipates what the world may be like and delivers biblically based advice for how to survive after the Rapture. This essential guide includes:
With trusted biblical insights, Dr. Jeremiah equips you to be ready for the end times and to face the future with both hope and confidence. 218 pages, paperback.
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The more we look around today, the more it seems our modern world and contemporary way of life are hanging by a thread. We're emerging from the pangs of a pandemic, yet society remains haunted by the specters of socialism, globalism, and cancel culture. The economy is in flux, the church is in decline, and Jerusalem once again sits atop the powder keg of global politics. In Where Do We Go From Hre?, bestselling author and respected Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shows us that the colliding crises in our culture are not isolated incidents or random misfortunes. They are as connected as a spider's web. With each passing day, tectonic forces are pushing us closer to the end of history. 245 pages, paperback.
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Don’t get caught up in all the internet speculations and doomsday opinions. The real place to find out about the future is the Word of God. In What Does the Bible Say About the Future?, radio host and prophecy expert Dr. Charlie Dyer offers you an insightful look at the end times that’s grounded not in human fantasies but in the very revelation of God. You’ll get answers to questions like:
God didn’t give us Bible prophecy to tickle our imagination or satisfy our intellectual curiosity. Rather, God wants us to know about the end times so we can be confident in His eternal purposes. With a biblical understanding of the future, you’ll be powerfully equipped to live with faith and hope today! 112 pages, paperback.
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With all that is happening around the globe, it's hard not to wonder, Is this the end times? Revelation tells us about the world's last days, but many of us find it too intimidating to understand, so we end up feeling stuck between daunting headlines and confusing prophecy. Beloved pastor Robert J. Morgan demystifies Revelation so you can embrace the hope and assurance it offers. This comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of earth's final days
From Christ's messages to churches to the tribulation to the moment believers step into eternal joy with Christ, The 50 Final Events in World History will guide you through what you need to know about the future so you can grow in intimacy with God today. 246 pages, hardcover, appendix.
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In Matthew 24, after Jesus gave His disciples a profound, detailed description of what will happen prior to His second coming, He urged them to “keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come” (verse 42). So as we seek to follow His commands today, what are we to watch for? Foreshadows explores 12 major trends that point toward Jesus’ ever-nearing return—and that illuminate how God’s faithfulness, wisdom, and sovereignty are on display all around us. As you read, you will…
Foreshadows will equip you to recognize the signs pointing to the end times while inspiring you to take hope in the knowledge God holds our chaotic world firmly within His control. Behind the scenes, He is at work—setting the stage for Christ’s return and the glorious eternity that will follow!
335 pages, paperback.
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Jesus Christ is about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will be like. Some of the topics explored are:
Discover why the Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other period in the past, present or future, including the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year-Tribulation Period. This book encourages Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the MARVELOUS MILLENNIUM. 344 pages, paperback.
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The pretribulation view of end-times prophecy states that the rapture will occur before the seventieth week of Daniel, which is believed to start the wrath of God. This commonly held perspective is reflected in the popular books and videos from Tim HaHaye's Left Behind series and in the Scofield Reference Bible.
This book presents a different perspective. The prewrath position claims that believers will not be raptured until after Satan's great tribulation. This book presents a new prewrath position where the rapture occurs in Revelation 8:5 with a great eschatological theophany of "peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake" and the same day is the wrath of God which begins in Revelation 8:6-7. These back-to-back verses seem to form a strong rapture position. As a consequence of the rapture, the multitude in heaven will arrive with Revelation 7:9-17. Two other theophanies in Revelation 11:19 and 16:18 with similar eschatological implications will be discussed. Many other Scripturally supported positions will be brought forth for Scholarly consideration. 170 pages, paperback.
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Three vital books on the end times, now collected in one special edition!
We live in a world that seems to be on the verge of coming apart. Shootings. Killer viruses. The threat of nuclear war. All of it is just too real. What is happening in our world today is moving Christians to return to the foundations of our spiritual existence. Believers everywhere must get back to what matters most. We must always remember our battle, at its most basic level, is spiritual. In The Prophecy Collection, popular Bible teacher Mark Hitchcock helps you discover spiritual insight and spiritual tools to understand what’s happening?and to prepare for the future?through three important works:
As we prepare for the Lord’s coming, it’s time to understand the biblical truths you need to know in order to face an increasingly decaying, darkening world. No matter what the future holds, anchor your spiritual health and welfare on the immovable rock of God’s Word. 554 pages, paperback.
For years, China’s population size, economic growth, and thirst for military power have taken center stage by those who study biblical prophecy. Most end-time experts have seen the “Red Dragon” as an aggressor to Israel. In Revelation 16 and 19, John's mention of the armies involved in the final battle marking the end of the world could well depict China’s army today. However, a different kind of army is also rising in China, and it is quickly approaching two hundred million people. This army is for Christ--it is a host of Christians from the Chinese underground House Church. Even under intense persecution, these believers are motivated by a powerful vision to complete the Great Commission by bringing the gospel to unreached peoples in China's eastern provinces and to all the countries between the border of China and the city of Jerusalem.
This book may change your view of end-time prophecy. It explores the missions phenomenon of the Chinese church as an eschatological event, confirmed by both the Old and New Testaments, that is connected to the sign of the return of Jesus Christ. God is using the Red Dragon to fulfill His ultimate purposes. China and End-Time Prophecy will show you why the completion of the Great Commission is inevitable and the return of Christ is unstoppable. 208 pages, paperback.
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Despite today’s hardships, the Bible promises a glorious new era is rapidly approaching. God’s plan for what’s ahead includes our rapture, our rewards, our participation in Jesus’ triumphal return, and our eternal glory in heaven. As a believer, you can trust that a wonderful future awaits you. In Future Glory, prophecy expert Dr. Ed Hindson helps you explore the Bible’s seven unique promises that outline what’s in store for every Christian. You’ll gain a better understanding of
Written with attention to biblical details, Christ-minded wisdom, and a gracious compassion for our all-too-human tendency to be absorbed with the here and now, Future Glory will take you on an incredible journey into your prophetic future and the everlasting destiny God has prepared for you. 224 pages, paperback, appendix.
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