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Mark Hitchcock & Jeff Kinley, 2022 |
$16.95 Retail $18.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The COVID-19 pandemic unleashed a cascade of consequences that reached far beyond the virus itself. Governments became engorged with power, mandating lockdowns and vaccines as the isolation of millions of healthy citizens replaced family gatherings, concerts, church services, and more. World leaders began to leverage the crisis to address everything from climate change to human equality, conditioning followers for further tyranny.
As if these realities weren't alarming enough, a deeper, more sinister agenda was--and still is--at play. According to biblical prophecies, a one-world government will emerge in the end times, with Satan himself preparing to rule over the earth. While we aren't in those times yet, we're on the precipice of the final days--and we need to know what that means for our economy, our neighbors, and our families. In Global Reset Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley will open our eyes to how pandemics, natural disasters, and political unrest point toward the impending universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist. 182 pages, paperback.
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The same occult group of people who have been ruling over humanity for thousands of years continue to do so to this day. The Luciferian one world government of Biblical prophecy is unfolding behind the scenes even as you read this, and was given the catchy name of the 'New World Order'. The technology currently exists to fulfill all aspects of the Biblical prophecies regarding the End Times, including the resurrection of the original Antichrist, who was the architect of the New World Order over 4,000 years ago. This tyrant will soon be brought back to life to rule the world once again, fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation 17:8 "The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the Earth whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come." I'm going to show you the evidence that identifies who the Antichrist is, how and why the plan for the New World Order began, who ran it through history, who runs it today, and what is to happen in the very near future. You can learn right now all of the most important components of this evil agenda and how they interlock to form a pyramidal, compartmentalized conspiracy run by the Luciferian elites, to the ultimate benefit of only a few thousand of the people involved with bringing the one world government to fruition. 626 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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$13.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Reveals the horrifying truth about a monumental plot to starve Americans and the people of the world into submission. The coming great hunger will come upon us suddenly, at an instant, astonishing all with its ferocity and total devastation. The book of Revelation warns of a deadly famine and pestilence to overtake the world in the last days. We now face the ominous reality of mass suffering and death. 235 pages, paper
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Cloaked in mystery and shrouded in secrecy, ten ruthless men
comprise the "Inner Circle" of the Illuminati conspiracy. In this
explosive book, Texe Marrs exposes the diabolical plan which
these evil men call their "Great Work." He unmasks their occult religion and discloses how this hidden group meets privately behind closed doors and issues strict orders to a network of agents and associates spread throughout the globe.
303 pages, paper, appendix
$32.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In this stunning and fascinating huge volume, you will learn of things secret, and things forbidden--about government coverups and scandals; of Big Brother's fast-growth police state, the truth about the Illuminati and secret societies; mind-boggling disclosures concerning UFOs, aliens, and extraterrestrials; the inside scoop on dangerous cults and unholy, wicked religions; the scary true story of mind control, satanism, and black science; the facts about the elitists' goal of depopulation of planet earth; and about actual plans for 21st century concentration camps in the U.S.A. You'll also discover evidence exposing the power elite of global banking cartels who have greedy designs on your wallet. 432 pages, large format paperback.
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