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Also See: Leon Bates | Ron Rhodes | Tim LaHaye | Full-Color Prophecy Charts |

The Seven Churches of Revelation


Rose Publishing, 2015

8 1/2 X 38 inches
Out of Stock

Packed with quick-reference charts, simple summaries, and a full-color map, this quick-reference pamphlet explains Jesus' message to each of the seven churches and shows key information at a glance! Perfect for personal use, small groups, or to add depth to any Revelation Bible study. The book of Revelation contains seven letters from Jesus to 7 churches in Asia Minor. In these letters, Jesus addresses the spiritual health of each church—He praised, encouraged, challenged, and warned each church so that they may be faithful to the end. As Christians today, it is important that we too check the spiritual health of our walk with God as we continue to wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus. From the faithful church of Philadelphia to the lukewarm congregation of Laodicea, enjoy having a solid overview at your fingertips that covers the cultural background and the relevant application of this key part of the Book of Revelation. Printed on both sides, 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

Also see Seven Churches of Revelation PowerPoint CD

Understanding the Book of Revelation


Rose Publishing, 2008

8 1/2 X 38 inches
Ships within
24 hours!

This simple chart compares different ways Christians throughout the centuries have understood Revelation. Seeing the different approaches to Revelation at a glance will help clarify issues of interpretation and give new insight. See side-by-side comparisons of key texts in Revelation from the following four views:

Historicist - Revelation is prophecy about church history from the time of John to the end of the world.
Preterist - Revelation is prophecy that was fulfilled primarily in the first century AD.
Futurist - Revelation is prophecy primarly about the future end of the world.
Idealist - Revelation is a non-historical and non-prophetic drama about spiritual realities.

Printed on both sides, 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

Understanding the Book of Revelation
Also see Understanding the Book of Revelation PowerPoint CD

Four Views of the End Times


Rose Publishing, 2010

8 1/2 X 33 inches
Ships within
24 hours!

What does the Bible actually say about the end times that lead to the return of Jesus Christ? The differing ideas that divide believers into four major points-of-view are examined in this pamphlet. It shows four different Revelation time lines and tackles Dispensational Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, and Amillennialism. For each view, the study includes a definition, supporting Scriptures, a time line of the view’s popularity, and a sampling of Christian leaders supporting that view. Printed on both sides, pamphlet is 8 1/2" tall and unfolds to 33" long.

Four Views of the End Times

Also see Four Views of the End Times DVD Kit, PowerPoint CD, Guides

The Statue in the Book of Daniel

The Four Kingdoms and God's Eternal Kingdom

Rose Publishing, 2004

Out of Stock

This fascinating wall chart and pamphlet give a fantastic summary of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream in the second chapter of Daniel—

  • Head of gold Babylon Lion
  • Chest and arms of silver Medo-Persia Bear
  • Middle and thighs of bronze Greece Leopard
  • Legs of iron and feet of iron and clay Rome Beast

God told Daniel that He would set up a kingdom that would destroy all of the other kingdoms and would never come to an end. The illustration of the statue is based on a carving of King Nebuchadnezzar's successor, Nabonidus. It is an accurate representation of the Babylonia style of art. This is a great reference for all ages. Easy-to-understand text for young people and for people with no Bible background, yet clear and scholarly enough for Bible students and seminarians. Pamphlet is great for students. Fits inside a Bible cover: 8.5" x 5.5" and unfolds to 33" long.

Statue in the Book of Daniel

Available as part of the book, Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines
Also see The Statue in the Book of Daniel Wall Chart
Also see The Statue in the Book of Daniel PowerPoint CD

Bible Time Line


Rose Publishing, 2005

Out of Stock

Bible Time Line shows hundreds of facts in biblical history. Includes dates of kings, prophets, battles, and key events. Compare Bible history, world history, and Middle East history side-by-side. Fits inside a Bible cover: 8.5" x 5.5" and unfolds to 33" long.

Bible Timeline

Also available as part of the book, Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines
Also see Bible Time Line Wall Chart and PowerPoint CD

Then & Now Bible Maps


Rose Publishing, 2007

$4.95Ships within
24 hours!

Where are Bible Lands today? This handy quick reference fold-out shows you! It contains more than a dozen Bible maps that include the modern-day boundaries in red. Modern-day cities and countries are shown with red type, or red underline if the name is still the same. Fantastic for comparing places in the news with places in the Bible. Fits in the back of most Bibles. Size: 8.5” x 5.5” Unfolds to 38 inches. Includes the following maps:

  • The Middle East during Old Testament Times
  • The Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Kingdoms and Persian Empire
  • The Holy Land during the time of the Old Testament
  • United Kingdom, Divided Kingdom compared with modern-day Israel and surrounding countries
  • The Holy Land during the time of Jesus
  • All of Paul’s Journeys (Roman Empire at AD 60)

Then and Now

Also see Then and Now Bible Maps Books, Charts, Transparencies and PowerPoint CD

The Tabernacle Pamphlet


Rose Publishing, 2006

8 1/2 X 33 inches
Out of Stock

The best selling The Tabernacle pamphlet brings to life the Old Testament teaching on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai, the place where God promised to dwell among his people. The full-color, glossy pamphlet features a cutaway illustration that provides an inside look at the Tabernacle. The artist's illustration indicates more than 15 important features of the Tabernacle, such as the Ark of the Covenant, the High Priest, and the Sacrifice, and how they related to our relationship with God today through Christ. Size: 8.5"x 5.5", unfolds to 33" long. Fits inside most Bible covers.

The Tabernacle

Also see Tabernacle Wall Charts and PowerPoint CD

The Temple Pamphlet

THE TEMPLE - Pamphlet

Rose Publishing, 2005

8 1/2 X 33 inches
Out of Stock

The Temple is an amazing, bestselling guide that presents hundreds of facts about the Temple. The full-color, glossy pamphlet covers the Tabernacle in the wilderness to the Temple built by King Solomon, Zerubbabel, and Herod's Temple, the one Jesus knew so well. The Temple pamphlet has colorful illustrations of the Temple drawn to scale based on measurements from the Bible. Each of the Temple furnishings are explained in detail, as well as their functions, purposes, and the meanings they have for believers today. 12 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 33 inches long

The Temple

Also see Temple Wall Chart and PowerPoint CD

A Tribulation Map


Leon Bates, 1974

Pack of 25
Ships within
24 hours!

Pack of 100
Ships within
24 hours!

A Tribulation Map

This is an 8 x 14 inch full color tract. It's written so it can be used both now and after the Rapture with no changes. For example, "If world panic and confusion has occurred due to millions of people suddenly and mysteriously disappearing, this will explain WHAT has happened. The event referred to as the "RAPTURE" came AND YOU WERE LEFT. First, let's understand has happened. Next, we'll see what will happen to you during the Tribulation Judgment..." GOOD NEWS is on the back of the Tribulation Map tract... how people may still be able to AVOID this coming judgment, by salvation NOW before the Rapture and Tribulation. A full color RAPTURE PICTURE is also featured inside the Tribulation Map. It shows the dead and living IN CHRIST being "caught up" (snatched away, Raptured). With pilots and drivers suddenly taken in the "twinkling of an eye" a plane and cars are shown crashing. Saved people are shown being resurrected, unsaved people left. This tract and picture are POWERFUL witnessing tools. The chart inside the tract shows the 3 sets of 7 Tribulation Judgments coming. Below the chart, each judgment is listed, described and their Scripture references are given.

Brochure Also Available in Spanish
Also see The Tribulation Map Wall Chart

A Bible Map

A BIBLE MAP - Brochure

Leon Bates, 1974

Pack of 25
Ships within
24 hours!

Pack of 100
Ships within
24 hours!

A Bible Map

This tract is the Bible Map chart inside the 8 x 14 inch, four color, folded to pocket size tracts. It shows a panoramic view of the Bible from Eternity Past to Eternity Future. It displays past, present and FUTURE EVENTS (all with Scripture references). It charts Satan's path; - past, present and future; Israel's history and future and the resurrections for both the saved and un-saved of all ages (all with Scripture references). The tracts have additional text and Scripture references below the chart to briefly explain it. The back side of the Bible Map is a quiz with questions and Scriptures (KJV) so readers can examine their faith and compare their answers to God's Word. This side of the Bible Map tracts have also been widely used and found to be very effective in Personal Evangelism since 1969. This chart shows the popular and long held view of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Pre-Millennial Return of Christ. We are now living in the GRACE age. It began with the death of Christ and will end with the return of Christ in His glory at the end of the 7 year Tribulation Judgment. His return can NOT be dated, but He WILL return, because He promised!

Brochure Also Available in Spanish
Also see The Bible Map Wall Chart and Audio CD

A Battle Map


Leon Bates, 1974

Pack of 25
Ships within
24 hours!

Pack of 100
Ships within
24 hours!

A Battle Map

The "BATTLE MAP for the Christian Walk" is an 8 x 14 inch, four color, folded to pocket size tract. Inside is a CHART that shows the four categories of people. - the NATURAL man, the BABY Christian, the VICTORIOUS Christian and the DEFEATED Christian. Everyone on earth fits into one of these 4 categories. You can determine WHICH one you are in. Differences in each category of people are explained with Scripture references for Bible study. Many questions asked by people are answered in this BATTLE MAP tract. The back side is a study designed so readers MUST get into their Bible for the answers. This BATTLE MAP is widely used by Christian leaders for new Christians and is an excellent study for classes. It will also help Christians understand and know God's will for their lives.

Brochure Also Available in Spanish
Also see The Battle Map Wall Chart

An Eternity Map


Leon Bates, 1974

Pack of 25
Ships within
24 hours!

Pack of 100
Ships within
24 hours!

An Eternity Map

The "ETERNITY MAP" is an 8 x 14 inch, full color, folded to pocket size tract featuring FOUR full color pictures. On the front, it shows the TWO ROADS to eternity. There is a broad road to hell and a narrow road to heaven (Matt. 7:13, 14) The broad road to hell is identified as "good works" for salvation. (Matt. 7:21-23). The inside of the ETERNITY MAP features two full color pictures contrasting Eternity WITH Christ and Eternity WITHOUT Christ. "Can you imagine the JOY of arriving in eternity, being greeted by saved loved ones and the Lord Jesus Christ himself?" OR... "Can you imagine the HORROR of plunging into eternity with ungodly, lost sinners and with the enemy of God, Satan himself?" More information and Scripture references are given about each destination. The back of the ETERNITY MAP has a full color picture of Calvary and the GOOD NEWS plan of salvation.

Brochure Also Available in Spanish


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