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Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., 2021 |
$46.95 Retail $49.99 | Ships within 24 hours! |
In this greatly expanded and wholly updated version of Dr. Gentry's classic study of postmillennialism, you will sense anew the powerful message of Psalm 72 that Christ "shall have dominion from sea to sea" (Psa 72:8). You will learn that God's word promises that "the whole earth will be filled with his glory" (72:19) so that "all nations will call him blessed" (72:17)--before Christ returns.
Many evangelicals today are concerned about those being Left Behind on this Late Great Planet Earth as it collapses into absolute chaos. But the postmillennialist optimistically believes that He Shall Have Dominion through the Spirit-blessed labor of his blood-bought Church by its faithful obedience to the New Covenant.
In this book you will find the whole biblical rationale for the postmillennial hope, from its incipient beginning in Genesis to its glorious conclusion in Revelation. Your faith will be re-invigorated as you begin to recognize that "the gospel is the power of God unto salvation" (Rom 1:16) and that our Lord Jesus really meant it when he commanded us to "go and make disciples of all the nations" (Matt 28:19). 630 pages, hardcover, appendix, bibliography, indexes.
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First published in 1870, Notes on the Apocalypse provides access into the Historicist Postmillenial interpretation of the book of Revelation. Written in the style of a commentary, this work introduces Biblical eschatology in a straightforward and faithful manner. In Historicist fashion, Steele interprets the book of Revelation throughout the history of the world since the time of Christ. Exploring all the major topics of the book, Steele explains such things as the seals, trumpets, vials, four horsemen, the Antichrist, the 1260 years, and more. David Steele (1803-1887) was a Reformed and Presbyterian minister who pastored a number of churches in Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. 271 pages, paper, appendix.
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Mathison sets forth a wealth of biblical, historical, and theological evidence for an optimistic eschatology. Unlike end-time forecasts that see modest growth in the church before Christ's return, postmillennialsim expects the Spirit-blessed gospel to have overwhelming success in bringing the world to Christ. 287 pages, paper, index.
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