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Brian Godawa, 2017 |
$18.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
What does the Bible really say about the last days? Many Christians teach outrageous speculation about End Times Bible prophecy these days. It's enough to frustrate the serious Bible student. What if you found out most of it is simply mistaken? What if you found out that the ancient Jewish writers were using Old Testament imagery of the past, not a crystall ball gaze into our modern future? What if you found out that everything that modern prophecy pundits are look for - the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Antichrist, The Beast - was not what they told you it was, but something different? 173 pages, paperback.
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Perhaps the title of this book intrigues you: Have We Missed the Second Coming? But if you are in an evangelical church a real possibility exists that you might soon experience a new doctrine invading your church and disrupting its peace. The hyper-preterist movement teaches that Jesus' second coming occurred in the first century when the Jewish temple was destroyed in AD 70. And that the great resurrection occurred at the same time. And that resurrection body is spiritual rather than physical. And that the judgment of men occurred in AD 70 as well. And many other errors.
Hyper-preterism is a new theological construct in evangelical circles. It has developed a rather enthusiastic and combative body of followers. What they lack in numbers, they make up for in noise. This book offers a brief introduction, summary, and critique of the system. Don't let your church and Christian friends be blindfolded to this new error. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. 150 pages, paperback, Scripture index, subject index.
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An updated, revised, expanded, and re-titled new edition of the author's original work, Beyond the End Times.
‘End-of-the-world’ ranting and ravings are, once again, parading across our paths. All humankind has and is paying a horrendous price for their ages-old trail of failed predictions. Nonetheless, many are wondering if this time could really be it. And the answer is, NO! In this book you will discover why and how the God of divine perfection in the creation of the physical earth and cosmos is also the same God of divine perfection in the creation and fulfillment of his plan of redemption. That means the world He created is without end and “the end” the Bible consistently proclaims for the world came right on time; it’s behind us not ahead of us; it’s “last days” are past not present or future. This book presents and documents the scriptural and historical evidence. No gaps, no delays, no interruption of time frames, and no strained explanations are needed. All was fulfilled, precisely and chronologically, within human history and as prophesied centuries in advance. Truly, this is “the perfect ending” and great good news for the entire world. It’s also the ultimate apologetic (defense) for the existence of God, the climax of the rest of the greatest story ever foretold, and is being proclaimed by this author and other Bible scholars as the basis for the next reformation of Christianity. 374 pages, paperback, appendix, Scripture index.
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There is a seismic shift taking place in the study of Bible prophecy. For decades popular prophecy writers have emphatically insisted that our generation is the “terminal generation,” the last generation before the “rapture of the church.” First we were told that 1988 was the end date. Then it was the turn of the 2001 millennial clock. Next it was 2007. The end keeps getting pushed farther in the future. As a result of many failed predictions, many Christians are beginning to take a second look at a prophetic system that they were told is the only one that takes the literal interpretation of the Bible seriously. Gary DeMar has taken on the task of exposing some of the popular myths foisted upon the public by prophetic speculators. 190 pages, paperback, appendix.
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"Most of what you've heard, read or been told about the End Times is wrong," says popular radio host and bestselling apologist, Hank Hanegraaff. "We have come to accept a wide range of beliefs and teachings about the future, about the ultimate battle between good and evil, about the last days, and about how our world will end. And most of these beliefs and teachings are based on fundamental misinterpretations of what the scriptures really say about the end times." The Apocalypse Code helps readers understand what the Bible really says about End Times, and why what we believe matters so much in today's world. 300 pages, paperback, subject index, Scripture index, bibliography.
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The Apostle Paul warns Timothy: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come" (2 Timothy 3:1). And Paul is not alone in sounding such a foreboding alarm in the Scriptures. Indeed, throughout the Bible we learn of "perilous times" ordained by God. What Bible-believing Christian would dispute the credibility of such prophecies? In this work Dr. Gentry provides in-depth studies of the five principle passages defining these "perilous times": Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24:1-36; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10; Revelation 13:1-18; and Revelation 17:1-11. These texts are crucial to understanding biblical eschatology. 173 pages, paper, bibliography, index, Scripture index.
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You've read enough fiction about the end times. It's time for some nonfiction-- written by a bona fide theologian. In his first book-length treatment of this subject, R. C. Sproul focuses on what Jesus himself taught about the last days and the timing of his return in Matthew, Luke and Mark. He also addresses questions such as: Who is the antichrist? When is the resurrection? When is the millennium?
Sproul's answers may surprise you as he takes a position known as the "partial preterist." Partial preterists see fulfillment of end-time events primarily in Christ's first advent and the A.D. 70 destruction of Jerusalem. However, they also hold that there are some prophetic events that will be fulfilled at the consummation of history.
250 pages, paper, bibliography, index, Scripture index
$6.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The "restoration" of Israel in 1948 is called the 'Super Sign of the End of the Age," by prominent prophecy pundits Tim LaHaye, Thomas Ice, Jack Van Impe and others. It is insisted that 1948 proves that Israel remains God's chosen people, and that the Rapture and end of the world as we know it is just around the corner. This little book compares the claims of LaHaye and Ice, about 1948, with what the Bible actually says. It demonstrates beyond doubt that 1948 was not the fulfillment of prophecy! 48-page booklet.
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Presentation of the
basic preterist idea from a reformed covenant perspective. Combats premillennial ideas and shows the
validity of interpreting much of Revelation figuratively.
139 pages, paper
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Study of Matthew 5:17, 18. Shows it is inconsistent to believe Old Testament Law is no longer binding if the old "Heaven and Earth" have not passed away. Proves that the Old Heaven and Earth was the Old Covenant Law, and that the New Heaven and Earth is the Kingdom of Christ. 36-page booklet.
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