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Post-Tribulationists believe that Christians will go through the seven-year tribulation period & that the rapture & second coming are the same event.

The Rapture

THE RAPTURE: A Pre- or Post-Tribulation Event?

Colleen Wandmacher, 2023

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God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent Scriptures in God's Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. 165 pages, paperback.

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Not Afraid of the Antichrist

Why We Don't Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Michael L. Brown & Craig S. Keener, 2019

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Despite the popular theology of our day, Christians should not expect to get out of experiencing the tribulation or the end times. Nowhere in the Bible does the Lord promise us this, say Michael Brown and Craig Keener, two leading, acclaimed Bible scholars. In fact, they say, Jesus promises us tribulation in this world. Yet this is no reason to fear. In this fascinating, accessible, and personal book, Brown and Keener walk you through what the Bible really says about the rapture, the tribulation, and the end times. What they find will leave you full of hope. God's wrath is not poured out on His people, and He will shield us from it--as he shielded Israel in Egypt during the ten plagues. So instead of taking comfort in what God hasn't promised, take comfort in the words of Jesus: He has overcome the world, and we live in his victory. 240 pages, paperback. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture

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The Rapture Verdict


Michael T. Snyder, 2016

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The worst times in all of human history are coming, and what Michael Snyder has uncovered is this book has dramatic implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet. The Rapture Verdict is likely to become one of the most controversial Christian books in decades, and it addresses many of the hottest questions being debated today... -Will Christians have to go through all of the chaos described in the book of Revelation? -Is the judgment of God coming to America? -Are we on the verge of entering the Great Tribulation? -What is "the parousia", and how does that ancient Greek word completely shake up conventional theories about the rapture? -Does the rapture come before, after or somewhere in the middle of the Tribulation? -Why are millions of Christians in the western world going to become extremely angry with their pastors? -Do the Biblical festivals provide us with a prophetic template for the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ? -Will this be the generation that witnesses the rise of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast? -Is the organized church in danger of missing out on the greatest move of God the world has ever seen? Michael Snyder answers those questions along with so many others in an uncompromising manner. The amazing discoveries and ominous warnings that he shares in this book are going to shake the Christian world to the core. The Rapture Verdict is both a chilling warning and a deeply inspiring message of hope. If you want to be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in these last days, then this is one book that you cannot afford to miss. 268 pages, paperback.

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CHANGED: Compelling Scriptures that Changed a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Believer Forever

Steven Straub, 2011

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For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV) The Rapture. This Biblical promise has captured the imaginations of generations upon generations of believers from every walk of life and from every corner of the globe. The fact that Jesus Christ will physically return someday to gather and gloriously transform His church is truly an exhilarating thought. Today, millions await in enthusiastic and perhaps unparalleled anticipation of this spectacular event. But when will it occur? Unfortunately, this question has spawned differing theories and opinions which has ultimately fractured the church into a variety of sub-groups, resulting only in confusion and division. Is the Bible specific enough to bring us to one clear answer? A former follower of the pre-tribulation rapture theory, Steven Straub shares his awakening experience by offering valuable Scriptures and insight that changed him forever. Will YOU be changed? 253 pages, paperback.

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The Revelation and the Rapture

Are We There Yet?

Robert L. Kramer, 2007

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In the process of presenting a Scriptural depiction of the future this book critiques the popular dispensational view of the End-Times. Contrary to what many have been taught, the Bible does not teach that the second coming is divided into two trips seven years apart or that the rapture is as sudden as the blink of an eye or unobserved by the world. Nor does the Bible anywhere affirm a seven year tribulation period. While the familiar themes of the second coming, the rapture and the great tribulation are presented, this is not a rehash of what others have popularly taught. Kramer presents valid new insights from the Scriptures that give an exciting new perspective to these familiar themes. He exposes some of the deceptions and errors that are popularly taught by the leading gurus of pretribulationalism. 235 pages, paper.

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The Rapture Fact or Fiction

THE RAPTURE: Fact or Fiction

Ronn Walker, 2006

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As each year passes there arises one relentless question concerning the rapture: "Where is the rapture?" This question will always be answered by those who teach the rapture with a statement like "it could happen anytime, so be ready--it will come as a thief in the night." But will it? If Jesus is coming on a secret trip, why did He not say so clearly and unmistakably? The truth is simple. Jesus did make perfectly clear the events surrounding His return, and it has nothing to do with a secret trip. In this book, you will discover the truth of God's Word concerning the rapture. 194 pages, paper.

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The Church and the Tribulation

THE CHURCH AND THE TRIBULATION: A Biblical Examination of Posttribulationism

Robert H. Gundry, 1973

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This book propounds the thesis that Jesus will return after the tribulation and that the first resurrection will occur at that time. Dr. Gundry believes that biblical evidence points most naturally to this conclusion. Because of his discerning analysis of Scripture, his careful logic, and the thoughtful presentation of his views, he is one of today's leading spokesmen for posttribulational eschatology. 224 pages, paper, bibliography, index, Scripture index.

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Gathering Over Jerusalem

A Book About the End Times

Joel C. Graves, 2003

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This book discusses the end times from a Christian perspective: It asks the questions, "Are we living in the end times? And if so, why?" It then goes on to explain why we are in the end times by examining the pertinent parables and verses. The different rapture theories are carefully examined in the original Greek with some startling conclusions. The Great Tribulation is examined, as weel as the role of Satan, the Antichrist, Israel, the United States, Christians, and the Gog-Magog wars. Finally, it discusses the need for preparation and what a believer's mental and spiritual attitudes must be. 182 pages, paper, appendices.

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