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Beyond Prewrath

BEYOND PREWRATH: End-Time Prophecy

Robert Parker, 2021, 2022

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The pretribulation view of end-times prophecy states that the rapture will occur before the seventieth week of Daniel, which is believed to start the wrath of God. This commonly held perspective is reflected in the popular books and videos from Tim HaHaye's Left Behind series and in the Scofield Reference Bible.

This book presents a different perspective. The prewrath position claims that believers will not be raptured until after Satan's great tribulation. This book presents a new prewrath position where the rapture occurs in Revelation 8:5 with a great eschatological theophany of "peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake" and the same day is the wrath of God which begins in Revelation 8:6-7. These back-to-back verses seem to form a strong rapture position. As a consequence of the rapture, the multitude in heaven will arrive with Revelation 7:9-17. Two other theophanies in Revelation 11:19 and 16:18 with similar eschatological implications will be discussed. Many other Scripturally supported positions will be brought forth for Scholarly consideration. 170 pages, paperback.

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The Return

How to Understand the Scriptures

Elbert D. Charpie, 2014

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"Have you ever had a 'I get it!' the metaphorical 'light bulb' or 'Aha' moment? The Bible records the past of God's great love, grace and power so that we may apply that assurance to our present time. Most of us, however, out of ignorance or neglect have missed the rest of His story where the Bible applies to our future. Reading The Return was my "light bulb" moment. Although God's master pieces can be complicated, His past, present and future master plan for His creation is quite simple and easy to understand. The Return grips you with an almost unbelievable and detailed story of Christ's return, then shines the light on what the Bible says, rather than trusting the blind to lead the blind. God is not the author of confusion. So why have we been so confused for so long? Until now..." - Thomas Dismukes, Motivational Storyteller. 194 pages, paperback.

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Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord

What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Return of Christ

Alan Kurschner, 2013

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In this thought-provoking and freshly examined account on the second coming of Christ, Alan Kurschner traces the key topics and passages, providing compelling biblical evidence that the church will first encounter the Antichrist's great tribulation before the rapture. Jesus warns us, "Remember, I have told you ahead of time" (Matt. 24:25). And Paul heeds, "Let no one in any way deceive you, for that day will not arrive until the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness [Antichrist] is revealed, the son of destruction" (2 Thess. 2:3). Since Jesus and Paul ominously warn us "ahead of time," should this not be an urgent message the church needs to hear? Are we spiritually preparing our hearts to be "overcomers" for what may soon come to pass? By reading Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord, you will discover the Bible teaches that the Antichrist will arrive before the day of the Lord. 238 pages, paperback, appendixes, Scripture index.

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Rapture Question Photo


Robert Van Kampen, 1997

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The second coming of Christ is often cloaked in confusion or clouded by debate, making it hard for christians to decide what is accurate. The truth of the matter is that Scripture is very clear on the judgment that will occur when Christ returns, the timing of that return and how Christ's return relates to other end-time events like the Great Tribulation. Van Kampen is also the author of the pre-wrath bestseller, The Sign.

The Parable of the Fig Tree

Discerning the Signs That Herald Christ's Return

Ryan Habbena, 2009

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Have you learned the parable of the fig tree? If not, you are commanded by Jesus to learn this lesson. End-times speculation and scenarios continue to flood the land. how are we to discern the true markers of Christ's return from the false? The Lord ha announced the signs and conditions that will herald His return. We are called to read and pay attention. He Himself warned us: "Take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance" (Mark 13:23). In this book, pastor and teacher Ryan Habbena explores the scripture's primary texts regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ and the events that surround this glorious event. By taking the reader through the Olivet Discourse, the books of Daniel and Revelation, and the Thessalonian epistles, Habbena teaches how we should learn and apply the "parable of the fig tree" in order to be watching and well-prepared for the return of the King of Kings. 226 pages, paperback, illustrated.

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Fight, Flight, or Faith

How to Survive the Great Tribulation

Dr. Charles Cooper, 2009

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What if God calls upon us to be the final generation to face the Antichrist? Should you fight against him? Should you flee to safety? Or should you stand in faith? In Fight, Flight, or Faith: How to Survive the Great Tribulation, Charles Cooper answers that question. Cooper concludes that physical resistance will prove futile and that modern technology makes hiding impossible. Thus, the answer, he says, is faith. But how much faith will be required? Will you have enough? 252 pages, paper.

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God's Elect and the Great Tribulation

An Interpretation of Matthew 24:1-31 and Daniel 9

Charles Cooper, 2008

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This is the first scholarly defense of the pillars of the prewrath position put forth by one of the position's most well-respected lecturers. This book has four goals: (1) to support the prewrath position in its conclusion that insisting on a sharp distinction between God's work in Israel and His work in the church is a false presupposition that directly contradicts scripture; (2) to support the prewrath position in its conclusion that Matthew 24:1-31 does apply to the church, the bride of Christ; (3) to set forth a clear biblical exposition of Matthew 24:1-31 and (4) to correct the false and misleading conclusions about both the timing and fulfillment of Daniel 9:24-27. 307 pages, paper.

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The Lamb of God & the Seven-Sealed Scroll


Dr. R. Gnanaharan, 2007

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· What do we learn from the fig tree parable? · What preparations did God make for the Lord’s first coming? · What are the preparations that are going on for the Lord’s second coming? · What might happen to the USA in the God’s scheme of things? · Is the Lord’s coming imminent? · What did the apostles teach on future day events? · What is the significance of the seven-sealed scroll in the right hand of God? · When does the Antichrist appear in the scene during the seventieth week? · Can we know when the events of 1260 days duration will end? Answers to the above and many other related questions should come from the Bible. Here is a simple, user-friendly book for believers to understand the future day events and to prepare for the Lord’s coming. A fresh perspective and new insights on the topic are presented in an easy to understand style. 245 pages, paper, bibliography.

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Prophecy's Architecture

How to Build an End Times Doctrine

Cameron Fultz, 2005

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Cameron Fultz, an end-times prophecy teacher and architect by trade, argues that, like a well-designed building, a biblical doctrine—any biblical doctrine—must start with a good foundation. This foundation must be built using the clearest, most explicit verses that directly address the subject at hand. On this foundation, we lay the secondary verses to add depth to the interpretation, followed by the tertiary verses, which layer on beauty and fine detail. In these pages, Fultz outlines this methodology, then uses it to build a doctrine on the issue of end-times timing and sequence. 157 pages, paper, appendix, charts.

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Wake Up Church: The End is Nigh

WAKE UP CHURCH: The End is Nigh!

Dennis Crump, 2002

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September 11th, 2001. Terrorist attacks destroy New York’s World Trade Centers and Washington D.C.’s Pentagon. Do these events signal the beginning of the end? The war against terrorism in the Middle East continues and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (especially over Jerusalem) escalates. What does the Bible say about these issues? The subject of the End-Times and Bible Prophecy is one of great interest and much debate. The events of our day are only proving that God is already in the process of waking up His church in preparation for His soon return! 316 pages, paper, appendix.

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Who Will Be Left Behind and When


Dave Bussard, 2002

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In Who Will Be Left Behind and When?, Dave Bussard takes a look at what the Bible has to say about end-time issues and takes aim at today's popular teachings on the pretribulation rapture, examining them in light of the scriptural facts. Although Bussard does not give a name to the timing of the rapture in this book, his views introduce the reader to the prewrath timing, which is growing in popularity as the most accurate, biblically consistent view on the rapture today. 161 pages, paper.

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Before God's Wrath

The Bible's Answer to the Timing of the Rapture: Revised & Expanded Edition

H.L. Nigro, 2002

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The timing of the rapture clearly, repeatedly, and consistently taught in scripture is that Jesus will return to rapture the Church after the rise of Antichrist, after the start of the "Tribulation" period, but before His wrath, not pretribulationally as many teach. This book takes a look at the prewrath timing and the volume of scriptures that support this important doctrine for the rapidly approaching End Times. Endorsed by Marvin Rosenthal. 331 pages, paper, appendix.

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Also available in Spanish

A House Divided

A HOUSE DIVIDED: Seven Events Before Rapture and the Coming Christian Holocaust

Michael Johnson, 2004

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Just as Jesus Christ promised, a book that simplifies and clarifies the End Times prophecies, is finally here. A House Divided chronicles, in easy-to-understand terms, the ENTIRE End Times scenario, including SEVEN easy-to-remember End Events. After years of scouring numerous passages and gathering all the prophecies scattered throughout the Old and New Testaments of The Bible, the author has been able to piece together the prophecies to form a single, coherent picture of the End Times. 293 pages, paper.

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