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Ed Hindson & Mark Hitchcock, 2017
Today, the hope that all believers on earth will be "caught up" to heaven is being challenged in new waves of criticism. Is the rapture really taught in the Bible? Can we really expect Jesus to gather up His followers before the Antichrist is revealed? In this well-reasoned and thorough defense, prophecy authors Mark Hitchcock and Ed Hindson examine the concept, context, and consequences of the important and long-expected event known as the rapture. Discover the answers to such questions as...
As you explore what Scripture says about the end times, you'll get a grander glimpse of your glorious future and the deepest hope of every follower of Jesus. 230 pages, paperback, bibliography, glossary. More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profiles
Doc Marquis, 2017 |
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The rapture is one of the simplest concepts found in the Holy Bible, yet there is a great amount of confusion and division concerning whether the next and final rapture will occur before the Tribulation, in the middle of the Tribulation, or after the Tribulation. Doc Marquis settles the question once and for all in The Final Rapture. Marquis dissects specific prophecies to show how close we truly are to the final rapture. He uses information from the Book of Revelation to alert those who are in danger of missing it—those who may still be on Earth during the Tribulation Period—to what they must live through if they are still here. 212 pages, paperback.
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God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of our being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent scriptures in God’s Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. Chapter after chapter leads to the same conclusion—the rapture will be a post-tribulation event. 125 pages, large format paperback.
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Legendary Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer examines what Scripture has to say about the Second Coming of the Lord, with an emphasis on the body of Christ being ready for Him when He returns. The saints must live their lives in readiness to meet the Lord at any moment. The question we should all ask is, "How am I going to live the rest of my time before Jesus comes?"Lockyer address what both the Bible and scholars have to say about this event, and what it means for our lives today. 105 pages, paperback.
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The worst times in all of human history are coming, and what Michael Snyder has uncovered is this book has dramatic implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet. The Rapture Verdict is likely to become one of the most controversial Christian books in decades, and it addresses many of the hottest questions being debated today... -Will Christians have to go through all of the chaos described in the book of Revelation? -Is the judgment of God coming to America? -Are we on the verge of entering the Great Tribulation? -What is "the parousia", and how does that ancient Greek word completely shake up conventional theories about the rapture? -Does the rapture come before, after or somewhere in the middle of the Tribulation? -Why are millions of Christians in the western world going to become extremely angry with their pastors? -Do the Biblical festivals provide us with a prophetic template for the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ? -Will this be the generation that witnesses the rise of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast? -Is the organized church in danger of missing out on the greatest move of God the world has ever seen? Michael Snyder answers those questions along with so many others in an uncompromising manner. The amazing discoveries and ominous warnings that he shares in this book are going to shake the Christian world to the core. The Rapture Verdict is both a chilling warning and a deeply inspiring message of hope. If you want to be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in these last days, then this is one book that you cannot afford to miss. 268 pages, paperback. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture
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What is the rapture? When is the second coming? Why is there so much talk about Bible prophecy, and what is it all about? There’s no better place to go for clear, specific answers than to God’s Word, which is what Bible prophecy expert Tim LaHaye does in this Quick Look guide to the last days. This book, based on decades of careful research, presents a concise picture of the end times. You’ll learn about the two most important events to take place in the future—the rapture and second coming—and along the way, discover answers to questions such as…
59 pages, paperback.
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If you are a Christian believer and you have exclusive faith in the pre-Tribulation Rapture, this book is for you. You need to consider its 7 Rapture timing secrets. This book presents, in simple balanced logical steps, the major Biblical inferences for the pre-Trib and the post-Trib Rapture theories. The author does not dogmatically preach only one of the theories; rather he proposes that believers should balance their Rapture faith based on the various strengths of the evidence for each theory. The book gives a fair presentation of the two major theories, and then asks the reader to make an informed evaluation and only then apportion Rapture faith. It is the author’s opinion that a dogmatic 100% faith in any one of the Rapture theories is not justified and could in the future be dangerous to spiritual stability. In the Sections explaining the post-Tribulation Rapture inferences, Dr. True presents evidence that the “7-year” portion of the “Future” section of the book of Revelation (6:1—20:6) describes 7 self-contained concurrent narratives, each ending with YHWH’s wrath and the 24-hour Day of the Lord. He also presents a theory about the “mystery” in chapter 10. 226 pages, paperback, appendix, bibliography, index.
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Three Views on the Rapture guides students and pastors in considering and evaluating the three primary ways evangelicals currently understand the Bible’s teaching on the rapture. Scholars present their preferred interpretive models in point-counterpoint style, and general editor Alan Hultburg’s introduction and conclusion frame the discussion. The rapture, or the belief that, at some point, Jesus’ living followers will join him forever while others do not, is an important but contested doctrine among evangelicals. Scholars generally hold one of three perspectives on the timing of and circumstances surrounding the rapture, all of which are presented in Three Views on the Rapture. 283 pages, paperback.
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In today's day and age, the PreTrib Rapture position is becoming increasingly notorious to believe and espouse. It seems that more and more people are believing what Dave Macpherson and others are say - that the PreTrib Rapture is a creation of a few men, who sought to pull the wool over the eyes of many within evangelicalism. Apparently, according to MacPherson, they were successful. Rather than simply attempting to deal with aspects of this subject which have already been dealt with, author Fred DeRuvo tackles the claims against the PreTrib Rapture from another perspective. He deals with the plausibility of a few men being able to pull off what has got to be the greatest hoax the church has ever known...if it actually was a hoax. Beyond this, DeRuvo also deals with many other claims by the Anti-PreTrib Rapturist, finding out if these claims hold any water at all. 168 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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You have to wonder sometimes. Though the visible church is being overrun by Contemplative Prayer, Church Growth movements, Seeker-Sensitive thinking, the Emergent Church, Spiritual Formation and a host of dangerous philosophies that are squelching the authentic gospel with what Paul would call "another" gospel, there are far too many individuals who seem unable to see the forest for the trees. 204 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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Obviously, not all aspects of Eschatology can be correct. Does this mean however, that an incorrect view of Eschatology means a lack (or even a loss) of salvation? Are the two connected? To hear some talk, the answer would be a vociferous "yes." Most often, people point to those who believe and espouse a PreTrib Rapture position, as one major source of error, resulting from deception. Not only is this view seen as erroneous, but it is also believed that the individuals who hold to this position are in grievous danger of falling headlong into the Great Tribulation completely unprepared. The tragic results of this, says those who warn, can only mean one thing: potential loss of salvation due to an underlying deception. Is this where the PreTrib Rapture position naturally leads? This book takes a look at the claims of those who condemn not only the PreTrib Rapture position, but the one who holds the position. 68 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated, list of resources. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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The rapture is a subject of much controversy. Since scholars cannot agree on the timing of the rapture, how can we know what to believe? Is the rapture "pie in the sky" theology? This book does not tread a well-worn path. The Bible has more to say about the rapture than has been previously realized. This oft-surprising, ground-breaking book reveals the choreographed, pretrib answer from none other than Jesus Himself. While we in the church have been arguing amongst ourselves about the timing of the rapture, some no longer look for it. Others rip the spirit from the imminent return of the Lord, teaching that He only returns at the end of human history. The Pretrib Rapture Choreographed in the Gospels can resolve doubt, bring back hope, and instill confidence in the pretrib rapture. 172 pages, paperback.
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More Books on the Rapture Debate
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We already realize there is much more to God's word than meets the eye. What if we haven't seen all there is to see about end time events because of our preconceived notions? What if our presuppositions have been skewed regarding God's objectives through the book of Revelation? Perphaps it is time to press through the confines of former doctrine and explore a few more questions: What if there were three raptures? Does the scenario fit? Is it theologically sound? What are the implications? 404 pages, paper, appendix, illustrated.
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We live in a world essentially devoid of hope. Visions of the future as portrayed by popular books and films include catastrophic events like asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and plagues. Images of the future are more often than not eerie, post-apocalyptic scenes complete with darkened skies over ruined cities presided over by chaos.
Those images are completely in harmony with the prophecies of the Book of the Revelation for the last days. But there is another prophecy-the promise of the Rapture of the Church. What is the Rapture? Which view is correct? What are the other views? Is the Rapture a recently developed doctrine? When will it take place? Who will go? Hal Lindsey explains in clear, easy to understand terms the answers to these and many other doctrinal issues surrounding the Rapture of the Church. 396 pages, paper.
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Premillennialists continue to be divided on the question of the Rapture of the church: Will it occur before, in the middle of, or after the Tribulation? Drs. Paul Feinberg (Pre), Gleason Archer (Mid), and Douglas Moo (Post) present the case for the position each holds. Each chapter is followed by critical responses from the two opposing positions. The book in intorduced by Richard Reiter's helpful essay tracing the history of this debate in American evangelicalism.
268 pages, paper, index, Scripture index
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As each year passes there arises one relentless question concerning the rapture: "Where is the rapture?" This question will always be answered by those who teach the rapture with a statement like "it could happen anytime, so be ready--it will come as a thief in the night." But will it? If Jesus is coming on a secret trip, why did He not say so clearly and unmistakably? The truth is simple. Jesus did make perfectly clear the events surrounding His return, and it has nothing to do with a secret trip. In this book, you will discover the truth of God's Word concerning the rapture. 194 pages, paper. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture
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The idea of "The Rapture" is an extremely popular interpretation of the book of Revelation in the Bible and a jumping-off point for the best-selling Left Behind series of books. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible, based on a psychology of fear. The truth is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community. 222 pages, paper, index.
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Walvoord examines the four views of the church's role in the tribulation: Partial Rapturism, Pretribulationism, Midtribulationism, and Posttribulationism, with the revised edition particularly discussing the current debate between pretribulationism and posttribulationism. In updating his work, the author also added treatments on the Rapture in the Gospels, in 1 Thessalonians 4, in 1 Thessalonians 5, in 2 Thessalonians, in 1 Corinthians, and in Revelation.
304 pages, paper, index
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