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Robert J. Morgan, 2022 |
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With all that is happening around the globe, it's hard not to wonder, Is this the end times? Revelation tells us about the world's last days, but many of us find it too intimidating to understand, so we end up feeling stuck between daunting headlines and confusing prophecy. Beloved pastor Robert J. Morgan demystifies Revelation so you can embrace the hope and assurance it offers. This comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of earth's final days
From Christ's messages to churches to the tribulation to the moment believers step into eternal joy with Christ, The 50 Final Events in World History will guide you through what you need to know about the future so you can grow in intimacy with God today. 246 pages, hardcover, appendix.
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Do you Want to Gain Knowledge of What the Future Holds? The book of Revelation is both fascinating and controversial. It leaves some awed and others uncomfortable. So many find its mysteries hard to fathom—what does it all mean? If you would like to know more than just bits and pieces of God’s plan for the future, Pastor Skip Heitzig is your guide to gaining a fuller understanding of Revelation. You will examine everything from the rapture to the second coming of Christ, and learn so much more as you discover truths that will help you gain a deeper appreciation for the majesty and power of Christknow exactly what God says about the last daysdiscover how God’s plans for the future apply to you right nowlearn how to be ready for Christ’s return Experience greater trust in God as you study His prophecies and learn how His plans will unfold. You’ll find yourself living in greater anticipation of all that is to come! 277 pages, paperback.
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Everything You Wanted to Understand About the Book of Revelation Explained
If the final book of the Bible has ever left you scratching your head or wondering what to make of plagues and horsemen, your friendly Non-Prophet is here to help you read Revelation as never before. Full of engaging graphics, author and illustrator Todd Hampson has created a user-friendly guide to John’s prophecies about the last days. This concise and appealing study
The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the Book of Revelation offers informative study tools for understanding its prophecies, and practical challenges to apply God’s truths to your life today. The Day of Judgment is nearer now than ever before. There’s no better time to understand the present in light of history’s final outcome. 224 pages, paperback, illustrated.
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Interpreted from a premillennial, dispensational viewpoint, Larkin's purpose is to show that Revelation is to be taken literally, and that it is written in chronological order. Also illustrated with over 30 charts, maps, and diagrams.
210 pages, hardback, maps, charts, woodcuts
Table of Contents, List of Charts, Maps, Woodcuts
Also available in a Spanish Language Edition
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With the elimination of the confusion, everyone can now understand Revelation. The miconceptions and false teachings are exposed. Revelation Revealed will help eliminate the confusion the church has been trying to deal with since Jesus turned His teachings over to the disciples. Learn when the "Day of the Gentile" ended. The rapture has taken place and everyone has been left behind. The tribulation has begun, and will last much longer than the seven years the church has been teaching. How will the seals, the trumpets, and the vials affect us? What is the real reason all this terror on mankind supposed to prove? What happended to God's grace? Why do we have to suffer through these trials and tribulations when we have been good Christians? Just what is the millennium and just when does it happen? Just what is the White Throne Judgment and who is it that is to be judged? Now that the book of Revelation is no longer sealed, we can ascertain the proper interpretation. Now we can make sense of the things it tells us. Revelation Revealed now puts revelation in chronological order and explains what will happen and why. 247 pages, paperback, appendix, index.
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Rabbi K. A. Schneider decodes the Book of Revelation, showing how the end-time events prophesied in the New Testament book correspond with the teachings of the Torah and the Hebrew prophets. You will discover how the Passover foreshadows the great tribulation, and what the Hebrew prophets reveal about the anti-Messiah, Armageddon, hell, the return of the Messiah, the millennial kingdom, heaven, and much more. As the world grows darker and darker, many people have a sense of impending doom. This book will teach you what to expect during the last days and how to stand firm in Christ even in the face of opposition. 238 pages, paperback.
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Is Revelation an impossible book to tackle? Do you still believe the seven seals are yet to be fulfilled in the distant future? The Lord says, "Blessed are those who take to heart what is written in it." If Revelation is enigmatic, how could anyone keep the things written therein? This book exhibits unmistakable clues in Revelation to unlock the interpretations of already-familiar events in history: - Mongol Invasion by Genghis Khan (13C), Black Death (14C), Religious Reformation (16, 17C), and others. The Author of history revealed them all, long before they happened! In The Apocalyptic Timeline in the Book of Revelation, you will discover that:
"Look up, and lift up your heads" (Luke 21:28) and aspire to be raptured. 262 pages, paperback.
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The author states, "The whole purpose of this book is to ask: What did John really say in the Book of Revelation? Let's cut out all the misinterpretations caused by human supposition and intuition based wrongly on passing current events and sensationalism and just ask what John's original text means?" God wants us to understand the Book of the Revelation. The word "revelation" connotes revealing rather than concealing. In a clear, logical way, David Womack explains the symbols within the Book of Revelation with a minimum of speculation about them. The writing is clear, and it follows the Book of Revelation step by step through each chapter. At the end of each chapter in Approaching Judgment there is a summary that reinforces the main points covered. This book provides the reader with a well-documented look at one of the most complex books in the Bible. 226 pages, paperback.
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In this exciting new book, Dr. Michael Youssef examines current events in light of end times prophecies, revealing:
Though most of Revelation deals with future events, this book is not primarily about the future. It's about the present--your present. As you read these pages, you will be encouraged to stand for truth without compromise as God moves human events toward a dramatic and triumphant conclusion. And even when it appears that evil is winning, you will be assured by God's promises and filled with eager expectation for our Lord's return. 262 pages, paperback.
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The last book of the Bible is unlike any other. Filled with images of dragons, ten-headed monsters, angel armies, mysterious numbers, and plagues of cosmic proportions, it requires a sanctified imagination to understand! Though many treat the book of Revelation as a kind of crystal ball to chart the sequence of end-time events, Stan Key takes a different approach. He believes that John wrote this book (actually a letter) as a pastor. John's desire was to help the believers in the churches of Asia survive and thrive in the evil empire of first-century Rome. "The book of Revelation is perhaps the greatest work on pastoral theology ever written!" Stan says. "Though John's words certainly point to the final future victory of the Lamb, they are profitable today for all believers everywhere." The book of Revelation invites us to trust in the Lamb, now and for eternity. "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near." (Revelation 1:3) 148 pages, paperback.
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Jeff Kinley wrote this innovative guide to the book of Revelation for the same reason the apostle John wrote the original—to arouse a sleeping church to prepare for Christ’s return. Jesus said, “Wake up and strengthen the things that remain.” The apostle Paul shared the same concern. “Wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Many people are unaware of the signs of the times. Many others seem consumed by end-times hype. Kinley shows that our primary concern should not be the timing of Christ’s return but rather the spirit and character He desires in His bride. You’ll find enlightening descriptions of Jesus and His coming, the church and its mission, heaven and judgment, Satan and the antichrist, and other themes of Revelation. Bolster your confidence and conviction with this up-to-date presentation of Christ’s clear message to the church. 216 pages, paperback.
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Recent events have prompted many to study the book of Revelation in the Bible, in hopes of finding out answers on what to expect in the end-times. However, without a proper approach of exploration, a person may have more questions than answers. An offering of help comes forth in The Book of Revelation, the biblical commentary by author Ronald Braden. Consisting of a line-by-line study through the book of Revelation, Ronald interprets the biblical prophecies within Revelation in the Prophetic or Futuristic School of thought. Within this school, insight is given to explain the symbolism in Revelation, messages in the letters to the seven churches of Asia and John the apostle's visions of God's kingdom on heaven and earth. Connections to the prophecies within the book of Daniel are also revealed, as Ronald presents a thorough examination to offer guidance, perception and hope for readers towards a future with Jesus. 352 pages, paperback.
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It gives the locations of the ten seats of power of the beast with ten rulers having horns and ten crowns that have not received their kingdoms yet. It explains the women setting on the beast arrayed in purple and scarlet. Purple representing political-military rulers and red representing religious rulers. It explains the five major locations depicted by the animal beast in Revelation. It explains the awesome man in Daniel is an ingenious depiction with one foot having five toes representing future political-military rulers and the other foot having five toes representing religious rulers. The iron and clay toes of the awesome man represent two different types of kingdoms of different persuasions. It gives the locations of the three established rulers the Antichrist will uproot. It explains the beast with two horns like a lamb is a false christ that is both a religious ruler and a political-military ruler. It warns against the blasphemous little book the Antichrist will write during the Great Tribulation. It discusses the great multitude in heaven and the Greek grammar of "These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation." It integrates much of Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation that pertains to the time of the Great Tribulation. It explains that the beast already opposing Jesus as the Lamb of God is a fulfillment of Rev. 17:13-14. It explains the situation today based on Rev. 17:8c, "The beast that was, and is not, and yet is" : the establishment of modern Israel as a nation, and since then the formation of the European Union, the return of a pre-Christian Greek type culture in the west, and the rise of Iran as a world power. 144 pages, paperback, Scripture index. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture
$16.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
Do You Wish You Could Understand End Times Bible Prophecy? At last you can read the Book of Revelation and actually understand it! Are you confused by the Book of Revelation? You’re not alone. Understanding the strange images of dragons, monsters, angels, and cosmic war has been a mystery for nearly 2,000 years. The Bible’s description of the End Times has long stirred up fascination and excitement. But Revelation is not as easy as some prophecy charts make it seem. In The Book of Revelation and the Coming Judgment: Solving the Mystery of End Times Bible Prophecy, Dale Tolmasoff takes a fresh approach to understanding the book by bringing together insights from different camps to make the book understandable at last. 161 pages, paperback.
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The Bible's final book, Revelation, can seem intimidating or downright impossible to comprehend, even for series students of the Scriptures. Fillwith complex imagery, vivid depictions of violence, and challenging spiritual references, Revelation is often set aside by readers in favor of more straightforward, easier-to-digest biblical material. Yet the capstone of the canon need not remain a mystery. In this refreshingly accessible book, Bible scholar and best-selling author Tim LaHaye and renowned puzzle master Timothy E. Parker demystify Revelation for your benefit. 206 pages, hardcover, appendices.
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No book in the Bible is more frightening than the Revelation. The entire book of Revelation is devoted to the end of the world detailing God’s judgments unleashed onto the earth plague by plague. Revelation is the last book of the Bible and is a prophetic book. It forecasts the apocalypse, which means the final destruction of the world with events of catastrophic scale. Part of the Earth’s judgments happen through a world dictator Bible Scholars refer to as the Antichrist. End of the World: The Revelation Prophecy provides an overview of the book of Revelation while also correlating Bible Prophecy to current events to help the reader understand how close we now are to the fulfillment of the Revelation prophecy. 143 pages, paperback.
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The book of Revelation begins and ends with guarantees that its inspiring message leads to blessing. Popular Bible teacher and author Ron Rhodes guides readers on an encouraging journey through this prophetic book, interpreting its picturesque language and revealing its reassuring promises. Each short chapter is perfect for a group Bible study or a personal quiet time and includes…
Readers who may have been confused or intimidated by Revelation will appreciate this easy-to-understand and practical presentation of its empowering truths. 304 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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The Book of Revelation is not a book of doom and gloom but rather the story of victory of the Lamb of God and those who follow Him. In this third book in a groundbreaking series, Dr. Richard Booker explains John’s vision within its original historical, literary, and biblical context. Written in Dr. Booker’s usual clear style, The Victorious Kingdom is powerful, prophetic, practical, and personal — ideal for individual or group study. The Victorious Kingdom, shares fresh perspectives that include:
Understanding the Book of Revelation is a three-volume series that helps you see the future by examining the past: Volume 1 – The Overcomers, Volume 2 – The Lamb and the Seven-Sealed Scroll, and Volume 3 – The Victorious Kingdom. 272 pages, paperback.
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The Lamb and the Seven-Sealed Scroll is the second volume in Dr. Richard Booker's powerful three-volume series. Continuing to examine the Book of Revelation within its original historical, literary, and biblical context, Dr. Booker turns his clear, prophetic explanation to the seven-sealed scroll, which contains the word of the Lord given to Daniel and is sealed until the time of the end. This seven-sealed scroll is God's revelation of the events of the end times. Dr. Booker boldly challenges some traditional theology and provides biblical and modern-day support for his beliefs. This verse-by-verse study teaches:
God will authorize who can loose the seals, open the scroll, and read His final prophetic word for humankind. Open this book for an inside look at the end times! 230 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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The Book of Revelation is not a book of doom and gloom but the victory of the Lamb of God and those who follow Him - The Overcomers. In this groundbreaking three-volume series, Dr. Richard Booker helps you understand the Book of Revelation by explaining John's vision within its intriguing original historical, literary, and biblical context. In this inspiring and informative series, you will understand John's Revelation and its meaning for you today from a fresh perspective that includes:
Written in a clear and reader-friendly style, this series is powerful, prophetic, practical, and personal. It is ideal for individual or group study. 248 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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The Book of Revelation was given to Yahweh's people so they could know everything they needed about what would take place during the Time of the End and the Second Coming of Christ. Revelation completes what Yahweh has revealed to His people about the Time of the End, Antichrist and Mystery Babylon the Great. As the Messiah indicated, He has revealed everything to His people ahead of time so they can be alert and watchful as they prepare for the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and the coming Kingdom of God on earth. 200 pages, paperback, glossary. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture
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More Books by Richard Perry
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World-renowned author Dr. Herbert Lockyer opens the curtain on the most exciting story of all time in this fascinating study, providing a glimpse into world events--some that will occur in the future and some that are happening right now. Every Christian should be aware of the biblical prophecies from the book of Revelation that are about to unfold, such as...
Here is your opportunity to be captivated by the greatest drama ever told, as expressed through the pen of one of the truly great Bible Teachers of our times. 375 pages, paperback, bibliography.
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The book of Revelation is the most intriguing book of the Bible; yet, the most controversial and mysterious -- a mystery incomplete or is the mystery unfolding before our blinded eyes? The earth shakes and the seas roar; the tremors of our age cannot be ignored. Has end time tribulation made her entrance upon the stage of our sinful world? Rejoice with the Saints of the Revelation as each miracle occurs, for this revelation of Jesus Christ is truly a revelation of magnificent glory.
245 pages, large format paperback. View: Post-Tribulation Rapture
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Who is the Antichrist? No one can know, the experts say. Yet Revelation Revisited: The Destruction of Our Times examines the clues the experts have missed. In this fast-paced fusion of Old and New Testaments, author Joe Conti explains, in convincing fashion:
Ten original graphics are included in this gripping account of the apostasy of our times. 120 pages, paperback.
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A commentary on the book of Revelation, chapters 5 - 22, in plain English. This commentary has been written for the average individual. In this commentary on Revelation, author Fred DeRuvo draws back the curtain on chapters five through twenty-two, presenting information in an easy-to-understand style, written for the average person. Whether he succeeds or not is up to each reader to decide. One thing is certain regarding the book of Revelation. Because of its prophetic nature, Christians will continue to debate aspects of it until such a time as we can know for certain. Either the things found within Revelation are yet to come to pass, and that alone will prove their veracity, or they will not come to pass. Only time will tell. Probably the most often-missed point of Revelation is the fact that it reveals the Lamb of God for who He is; King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We must never forget that the book of Revelation is first and foremost about Jesus Christ, God the Son. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Without Him, there would be no Revelation! All eyes on the King! 387 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), bibliography, glossary. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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The book of Revelation has long fascinated and even confused readers and students of the Bible alike. Yet, the Bible is made to be understood and Revelation is no exception. Who better to help you understand the seals, trumpets, vials, woes, and plagues than John F. Walvoord, one of evangelicalism's most prominent leaders, and Mark Hitchcock, today's leading Bible prophecy expert? In this first in a renewed series of commentaries from Dr. Walvoord, he points out that much of the book's symbolism can be interpreted literally. At key points different views and approaches to interpretation are explored. Walvoord devotes special attention to textual and doctrinal issues while avoiding technical language. Refined, updated with the English Standard Version (ESV), and streamlined, this classic text is set to help you interpret the last book of the Bible and gain a better grasp of current trends and the climax of history! 394 pages, hardcover, bibliography, subject index, Scripture index.
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The very title of the last book of the Bible means "unveiling." Yet this mysterious and confusing book seems to do anything but unveil, especially when we read it on our own. Unlocking the Last Days takes readers through key parts of this misunderstood book, using a verse-by-verse approach that clearly communicates God's truth, warnings, and promises. Both Bible teachers and students will find this book a welcome aid to understanding an intriguing piece of the Scriptures. 333 pages, paperback.
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The Bible's last book is not a puzzle, mystery or myth, but God's clear foretelling of the conclusion of His predetermined history of the universe and the human race in their perfected state. Unfortunately, well-meaning interpreters have blurred and distorted it's message by imposing their biased eschatologies upon it rather than allowing the Revelation text to tell its own exciting and encouraging story. As we journey along with John on his visionary tour into the future the Lord's angel will keep us abreast of the sights and sounds we encounter at each new location until we are awe-stricken upon arriving at its destination, the new heaven and earth which God will have created in which we shall live eternally with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit. A scholarly, readable, new and different but valid commentary on the Revelation. 244 pages, paper. View: Premillennial Post-Tribulation
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Are you baffled by the Book of Revelation? Understand the purpose, key themes, and symbolism of the most fascinating book in the Bible with The Book of Revelation For Dummies, an easy-to-understand guide that will help you grasp the enduring messages of Revelation and apply them to your life. You will understand what Revelation says about the past, present, and future, and how it relates to the rest of the Bible. You will learn how this mysterious book of the Bible fits into a historical context. You’ll discover all kinds of interesting facts about the apostle John and learn about the details of his world. You will be able to choose a perspective for interpreting this book of the Bible and decipher the many haunting symbols. There is no need to read this reference guide from cover to cover; simply browse the table of contents or flip through the pages to find the answers and assistance that you need. Complete with lists of the ten most commonly asked questions about end times and the ten rules of thumb for interpreting scripture, The Book of Revelation For Dummies will help you understand and decode one of the most perplexing books in the Bible! 341 pages, paperback, illustrated, glossary, index.
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Daymond R. Duck, author, 2007
Dr. Larry Richards, general editor
$22.95 | Ships within 24 hours! |
The Book of Revelation is God's message to all who are concerned about the future. And no guide makes Revelation more understandable than this one. You'll grasp the meaning of each verse, you'll understand every important symbol, and you'll get the big picture of all that God has promised for those who believe in Him. 367 pages, paper, appendix, index.
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Stan Campbell and James S. Bell Jr., 2002
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Don't get confused by scholarly analysis and religious dogma! The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Book of Revelation shows you how so many meanings are derived from the book's text. in this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:
291 pages, paperback, appendix, index.
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This study focuses specifically on the book of Revelation and the primary ways in which it is read and understood today. It shows how the various views interpret Revelation as well as why. The four views discussed are the preterist (Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.), idealist (Sam Hamstra Jr.), classical dispensationalist futurist (Robert L. Thomas), and progressive dispensationalist (C. Marvin Pate) views. Each is presented by a proponent who also interacts with the other three views.
252 pages, paper, bibliography, Scripture index, general index
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In this enlarged edition, John G. Hall has combined and coordinated the studies on Daniel and Revelation, relating them also to Ezekiel's prophecies of the end times. Since the studies complement and shed light on each other, the reader will find it most convenient to have them in a single volume. Additional material, as well as a handy index enhance the value of Prophecy Marches On. 246 pages, hardcover, index.
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Finally, one book has been written that offers a truly unique perspective on Revelation; the book you are reading about right now. This book has been written at the request of radio listeners from over 65 countries who have heard this Messianic/Hebraic perspective on Revelation in recent months, on the author's international radio program. Listeners have said this perspective is so fresh and so obviously true that it is nothing short of life-changing. The author plainly demonstrates in these pages, complete with illustrations, that the prophetic message of Revelation speaks to the very time and situation which grips the world today. 185 pages, paper.
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Everybody knows Revelation is a weird writing. Grasping its message is not often easy and probably not first choice for a night's fireside reading. Nevertheless, most inquirers recognize the book's insights and prophecies as crucial to our lives. We need a guide to ease us through the complexities and out the other side with understanding and inspiration. Look no further. Revelation for Regular Readers tumbles out page after page of dependable discernment with engaging entertainment. None of us are "dummies" who want weak scholarship to push us through Revelation; most are "average" readers who would simply welcome a little help along the way. Revelation for Regular Readers is logically organized, solidly written, and glazed with humor and common sense. You won't regret plunking down a little change and settling in. Revelation speaks to the new millennium and now, thankfully, we can hear it clearly. 255 pages, paper, appendices, bibliography, index.
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Armageddon. Judgment Day. Apocalypse. You’re curious about the “end times,” but isn’t the Bible’s Book of Revelation a little too weird to understand? Your world is a topsy-turvy mix of social strife, political controversy, natural disasters, and terrorism. It’s easy to feel threatened and anxious about life’s challenges and opportunities. Yet Revelation provides solid answers to those who choose to look. Authors Calaway and Ledford have managed to tame some of Revelation’s fear factor and provide a fast-paced script to its mysterious characters and plot. Still, the meat of the Revelation message (and hope for the future) comes through. Note: Designed expressly for the teens themselves, Operation Revelation’s evangelistic appeal makes it ideal not only for teenaged Christians (including those new to the faith), but also any who are seeking spiritual roots. (P.S. The book does include a leader’s guide so that the material can be taught as a youth study if desired.) 195 pages, index.
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Book Two covers the first 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation including these subjects:
201 pages, paper.
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Never before, in the history of mankind, has man been so interested in what the future holds. Never before has the future been so ready to be fulfilled. Everywhere you turn people are saying that the return of Jesus Christ is close at hand. Are you ready to meet Jesus face to face and find out your final destination? Since very few churches are preaching the truth today, you will have to fight this final battle by your own determination. You must not fail for your soul's sake and for the sake of those you love. 171 pages, paper.
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This commentary takes a literal approach to future events from a pre-wrath point of view. This book unlocks many mysteries and hidden truths, and it will help you to understand how the book of Revelation is arranged. Some of the many insights in this book include: animals in heaven, the key sign of the last generation, how many years in the last generation, how the United States can be involved in the last days, how the events of Revelation are divided up, and, most importantly, exactly where the Rapture takes place in Revelation. 136 pages, paper, bibliography. View: Pre-Wrath
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For Christians, the end of the world should be anything but dreadful. In fact, it should be something we actually look forward to. Why? Because God has told us how the world will end. And He has assured us that the end of this age will mark the beginning of a new, glorious one in which we will serve and worship Him in sinless perfection. Our eternal hope, as believers, is intimately tied to the end of this world. All of this is laid out in the book of Revelation. Not only is Revelation the inspired Word of God, it is also the only New Testament book that includes a promised spiritual blessing for those who study and apply its message. As such, it is an essential part of every Christian’s devotional life. Those who ignore Revelation deprive themselves of a rich treasure of divine truth, and the promised blessings that come from understanding that truth. Join John MacArthur as he explains the book of Revelation in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical. 360 pages, paper, bibliography, index.
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Are you confused by the Book of Revelation? God gave us the Book of Revelation to comfort, warn, and inform us. He speaks with crystalline clarity, and calls us to respond with obedient faith. Revelation Plain and Simple uncovers the great themes of God's grace, love, righteousness and power in a way that every person will find applicable to their own life. Are you ready to face your fear of the Book of Revelation? Don't wait one minute longer to uncover the tremendous riches uncovered in this series of sermons from Revelation. 504 pages, paper. View: Post-Tribulation
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During his career, Larry Massa has acquired extensive knowledge of the effects of many weapons systems, including those of mass destruction. Utilizing this knowledge, he has written a clear interpretation of the Book of Revelation describing how God's end-time judgments could easily be accomplished through today's weaponry. 140 pages, paper.
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Dr. Jack Van Impe, renowned as "the walking Bible" and one of America's foremost authorities on Bible prophecy, takes you verse by verse through this dramatic and monumentally important section of God's Word.
272 pages, paper
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Bloomfield unlocks the book of Revelation with a clear, easy-to-understand structure. Believers eager to know the message of this frequently confusing and misunderstood book of the Bible will also be helped by the author's diagrams and clarifying explanations. This classic work, as relevant today as when it was first published, is equally useful for personal or group study. Bloomfield's careful analysis stands the test of time. 235 pages, paper, Scipture index, General index.
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Filled with references to LaHaye's best-selling Left Behind novels, this commentary provides an in-depth premillennial perspective on Revelation. It's an updated edition of Revelation Illustrated & Made Plain which explores such critical topics as the rapture, the return of Christ, the final battle against Satan, the new heaven and earth, and more. 378 pages, paper, bibliography
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First published in 1870, Notes on the Apocalypse provides access into the Historicist Postmillenial interpretation of the book of Revelation. Written in the style of a commentary, this work introduces Biblical eschatology in a straightforward and faithful manner. In Historicist fashion, Steele interprets the book of Revelation throughout the history of the world since the time of Christ. Exploring all the major topics of the book, Steele explains such things as the seals, trumpets, vials, four horsemen, the Antichrist, the 1260 years, and more. David Steele (1803-1887) was a Reformed and Presbyterian minister who pastored a number of churches in Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. 271 pages, paper, appendix. View: Postmillennial
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With an uninterrupted printing history since it was first published in 1939, Dr. Hendriksen's interpretation of the Book of Revelation has served as a solid resource and a source of inspiration for generations. As a pastor, teacher, and writer, Dr. Hendriksen was widely known for his ability to combine scholarship with simplicity and warmth. In this commentary, Dr. Hendriksen challenges you to face a restless and confusing world with a joyful, confident spirit, secure in the knowledge that God reigns and is coming again soon. 216 pages, paper, bibliography, index. Amillennial
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This book offers a solid but east-to-follow explanation of the text, and a scholarly but easy-to-understand approach to this important subject of "the last things." Piper guides the reader by chapter and verse through the Book of Revelation and provides "Points to Ponder" for more in-depht consideration or even group discussion. 119 pages, paper.
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Conner describes the fundamental principles for unlocking the mysteries of the book of Revelation. Not an exposition in itself, the text purposely avoids eschatological controversy by focusing on teaching the reader how to apply proper hermeneutical principles.
203 pages, paper, bibliography
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