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Damascus Countdown


Joel C. Rosenberg, 2013

Retail $15.99
467 pages
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Retail $36.99
Set of 13
Audio CDs
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All eyes are on the Middle East. Israel has successfully launched a first strike on Iran, taking out all of their nuclear sites and six of their nuclear warheads—and causing The Twelfth Imam to order a full-scale retaliation. US President William Jackson threatens to support a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Jewish State for unprovoked and unwarranted acts of aggression.

Meanwhile, CIA operative David Shirazi has infiltrated the Iranian regime and intercepted information indicating that two Iranian nuclear warheads survived the attack and have been moved to a secure and undisclosed location. In danger not only from the ongoing missile strikes on Iran but also from the increasingly hostile and suspicious governments of multiple countries, David and his team are in a race against time to find the remaining nuclear warheads before disaster strikes.

The Twelfth Imam


Joel C. Rosenberg, 2010

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As the apocalyptic leaders of Iran call for the annihilation of Israel and the U.S., CIA operative David Shirazi is sent into Tehran with one objective: use all means necessary to disrupt Iran’s nuclear weapons program, without leaving American fingerprints and without triggering a regional war. At extreme personal risk, Shirazi executes his plan. A native Farsi speaker whose family escaped from Iran in 1979, he couldn’t be better prepared for the mission. But none of his training has prepared Shirazi for what will happen next. An obscure religious cleric is suddenly hailed throughout the region as the Islamic messiah known as the Mahdi or the Twelfth Imam. News of his miracles, healings, signs, and wonders spreads like wildfire, as do rumors of a new and horrific war. With the prophecy of the Twelfth Imam seemingly fulfilled, Iran’s military prepares to strike Israel and bring about the End of Days. Shirazi must take action to save his country and the world, but the clock is ticking. 490 pages, paperback.

Also available in Spanish

Inside the Revolution

INSIDE THE REVOLUTION: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus are Battling to Dominate the Middle East & Transform the World

Joel Rosenberg, 2009, 2011

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Inside the Revolution takes you inside the winner-take-all battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of the people of the Middle East. It includes never-before-seen profiles of the Radicals, the Reformers and the Revivalists. It explains the implications of each movement and the importance of each leader-not only through the lenses of politics and economics but through the third lens of Scripture as well. Today, wars and revolutions define the modern Middle East, and many believe the worst is yet to come. Inside will answer questions such as: How real and serious is the threat of radical islam? What is God doing in the Middle East? Are there Muslim leaders that oppose the violence of radicals? (551 pages, hardcover), (559 pages, paperback), appendix, index.

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Inside the Revolution


Joel C. Rosenberg, 2009

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In this companion piece to the best-selling Inside the Revolution, Joel C. Rosenberg takes you inside the Revolution and answers your questions:

  • How real and serious is the threat of Radical Islam to American national security eight years after 9/11?
  • Are there any Muslim leaders who oppose the violence of the Radicals—and is there any hope that such leaders will come to power in key countries in the Middle East?
  • What is God doing in the Middle East—and is there any hope that Muslims will find faith in Jesus Christ?
  • How can Christians help strengthen those who love Jesus in the Muslim world, and how can we reach out to Muslims here at home?

177 pages, paper.

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Epicenter 2.0

EPICENTER 2.0 VERSION: Updated & Expanded

Joel C. Rosenberg, 2006, 2008

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In his first groundbreaking nonfiction book, now with updated content, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg takes readers on an unforgettable journey through prophecy and current events into the future of Iraq after Saddam, Russia after Communism, Israel after Arafat, and Christianity after radical Islam. You won't want to miss Joel's exclusive interviews with Israeli, Palestinian, and Russian leaders, along with previously classified CIA and White House documents. New content includes the most up-to-date information since the hardcover release in 2006, a new poll about American attitudes toward the Middle East and prophecy, and transcripts of interviews conducted during the interview process for the Epicenter DVD-video. 401 pages, paper, appendices.

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Epicenter Study Guide


Rosenberg, Joel C., 2008

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The politics of the Middle East can be murky and confusing. But one thing is increasingly certain: The eyes of the nations are riveted upon Israel and her neighbors, the epicenter of the momentous events shaking our world and shaping our future. What does the future hold? How will it affect your world? The Epicenter Study Guide can be used along with Joel Rosenberg's best-selling book Epicenter as well as the Epicenter DVD to help de mystify the events happening around the world. 92 pages, paper.

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EPICENTER: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East will Change Your Future

Joel C. Rosenberg, 2006

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In his first nonfiction book, this evangelical Christian from an Orthodox Jewish heritage takes readers on an unforgettable journey through prophecy and current events into the future of Iraq after Saddam, Russia after Communism, Israel after Arafat, and Christianity after radical Islam. Drawing on his experience in Washington, his own exclusive interviews with world leaders, and his astute political acumen, Joel makes sense of the events surrounding the Middle East. He connects information in a way that will make you understand and really care about the world's most important events and how they impact your life--from gas prices to your bank account. 312 pages, hardcover, appendix.

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The Ezekiel Option


Joel C. Rosenberg, 2005

$13.95Ships within
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When Russia's richest oil baron is killed, Moscow suddenly teeters on the verge of political chaos. Tehran races to complete its nuclear arsenal. Washington finds herself dangerously divided from her European allies. And in the dead of night, in the hills overlooking Jerusalem, a senior White House advisor uncovers a chilling ancient conspiracy as real as the morning's headlines. Woven through the writings of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel, more than 2,500 years old, are eerily prescient descriptions of modern countries then unborn, modern alliances then unformed, and an imminent day of unspeakable terror. Now, with the clock ticking down to war, two Americans are caught in the crossfire, wondering, Is the last judgment at hand? 413 pages, paper.


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