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THE LAST GENERATION Prophecy, Current World Events, and the End Times “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; even so you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Matthew 24:32-34 (NASB) According to my interpretation of this passage, this is a reference to Israel becoming a nation. This became a realization on May 14, 1948. The fig tree is a symbol for Israel. The Bible refers to the fig tree some 33 times – 18 times in the Old Testament alone. In context, the fig tree is always a symbol for Israel. Just as the general time of summer has arrived when the fig tree puts forth its leaves, so the restoration of Israel to her land is a sure sign that the general time of Christ’s return has arrived. This is a reference to His second coming, not the rapture that occurs at least seven years earlier. Not everyone agrees with this interpretation for the last generation. My recent book is titled, The Last Generation: Prophecy, Current World Events, and the End Times. The purpose of my book is to present the evidence that backs my thesis that the generation that was born in or since 1948 will be alive when Christ returns the second time, if they are not taken at the rapture. For those who do not believe that the birth of Israel was the start of the last generation, the evidence presented will still support, using other sources, that we are in that last generation. There is an abundance of evidence that we are living in that last generation apart from how one interprets Matthew 24: 32-34. We know that certain things have to be in place before the second coming. For example, we know there will be a final one-world empire. We will look at the development of this one world empire through the lens of Bible prophecy, its relation to current events, and some of the predictions of scientists, academics, and other leading authorities, who are not Christian and, in some cases, are atheists. The starting point will be the birth of Israel in 1948. This coming One World Empire will consist of three pillars. These Three Pillars include:
(Daniel 2:40-43; 7:19-21; Revelation 13:1-7) There will be a one-world government ruled by a dictator, sometimes referred to by names such as: the son of perdition, the man of sin, the lawless one, and is most commonly referred to as “Antichrist.” This one-world government will originate from the ancient Roman Empire. According to Daniel 2, the fourth and last empire was the Roman Empire. It was never taken over by another empire, but it literally broke into pieces, and a patchwork of individual kingdoms emerged. The revived Roman Empire will consist of a recombining of these pieces. The revived Roman Empire began developing in 1948, the same year that Israel was reborn. A few of the developments of the revived Roman Empire since 1948 include the following events:
Since 1974, we have almost completed 5 of the 10 designations or regions, called “Unions,” on the world map proposed by the Club of Rome. They are:
This one world government has been in the development stage in this last generation. [Read more about the role the U.S. plays in prophecy in a book authored by Jerome Corsi titled, The Late Great U.S.A.: NAFTA, the North American Union, and the Threat of a Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada.] The second pillar in the One World Empire is the one world economy. It is of interest to note some of the developments that have taken place since 1948. These developments are only a small sampling of the many developments that have occurred during this generation. They include the following:
The coming one-world religion will be characterized by tolerance and diversity. The exception will be Christianity and Judaism. There will be no room for a “one way to God approach.” Even Christians today have trouble believing this. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6 NASB). There is no place in a world religion for this kind of thinking. Followers of Jesus will be martyred (Revelation 17:5-6). The following list of events is very limited as they were in the World Government and the World Economy, but they do give some idea of the direction the world has been moving since 1948. They include the following:
The Gospel, preached or shared, will become illegal in the “United Religious Zone.” The way is being paved for the martyrdom that will occur during the tribulation period (Revelation 6:9-10; 17:6).
RESPECTED AUTHORITIES) SAY CONCERNING THE END TIMES? The following are some quotes by very credible and respected individuals:
There is also the Doomsday Clock with midnight representing “doomsday” or the destruction of our world. The Doomsday Clock represents the consensus of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Many scientists also believe our world is rapidly approaching the end times. There are many other sources besides the Bible that point to this generation as the last generation. These sources include prophetic beliefs of Islam, the Mayans, scientists, and others. The common denominator is the belief that the end times are near. The various interpretations as to what that means are very different. This is where biblical prophecy is unique and provides a standard to understand the differing views. Biblical prophecy is interesting. It is not meant to produce fear but to offer hope to all who put their trust in Jesus Christ. It is not enough to have head knowledge concerning prophecy. Knowing what the future holds should offer motivation to believers to share the gospel with an unbelieving world. Biblical prophecy can serve as an excellent tool to reach the lost. People yearn to know what the future holds. This is easily seen by the wide use of horoscopes, psychics, channelers, and the reliance on grocery store tabloids. These tabloids claim to predict the future by turning to people such as Nostradamus. This is sad, especially when the truth about the future is unfolded in the Bible. [This article was extracted from the recently released book, The Last Generation: Prophecy, Current World Events, and the End Times by Jim Simmons. All of the material that originated from other sources is footnoted in the book. ![]() THE LAST GENERATION: Second Edition
Jim Simmons, 2009 |
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The Last Generation lays out evidence that the generation born in 1948 (when Israel became a nation) or later is the generation that will witness the Second Coming of Christ. It draws on credible evidence from current events, the fulfillment of prophecy at a accelerated pace, the views of many scientists, and information gained by intelligence sources. This book answers such questions as: What will happen to Israel? Where does Russia fit into prophecy? What about Iran and Syria? What will be the ultmate solution to the world economic crises? Where does the New Age movement and UFO's fit into biblical prophecy? 303 pages, paper, appendices. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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