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Chronological Guide to Bible Prophecy

An Illustrated Panorama from Genesis to Revelation

Todd Hampson, 2022

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A Big-Picture Overview of Bible Prophecy

God’s fulfilled promises are a powerful reminder of the trustworthiness of his Word. Prophecy makes up nearly 30 percent of the Bible—and of that, 75 percent has already been accomplished! With The Chronological Guide to Bible Prophecy, author and illustrator Todd Hampson will deepen your sense of wonder for the Bible’s complete accuracy while guiding you through a timeline of God’s pledges to his people. You will…

  • examine completed Bible prophecies—and witness how these unbroken promises create a clear and compelling apologetic for your faith
  • understand the prophesied events that are still to come and the order in which they will occur
  • grow in reverence for our incredible God, who uses prophecy to make his amazing faithfulness known to us

This fun and informative book provides a comprehensive survey of the many prophecies found in Scripture, underlining their themes and illuminating why they bring us hope today. Complete with Todd’s signature illustrations, The Chronological Guide to Bible Prophecy is an invaluable resource for prophecy newcomers and enthusiasts alike. 205 pages, paperback.

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The Day Approaching Study Guide

An Israeli's Message of Warning and Hope for the Last Days

Amir Tsarfati, 2020

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A Closer Look at the Signs of the Times

How can we know when we’re drawing near to the rapture and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? Jesus Himself answered that question, revealing to all Christians the signs we are to watch for—signs that will alert us to the imminence of His return. Scripture also gives us a fascinating preview of what life will be like in Jesus’ millennial kingdom on earth. In The Day Approaching Study Guide, you’ll get an up-close look at God’s plans for what is to come, and how that affects you today.

Designed for use alongside Amir Tsarfati’s book The Day Approaching, this study guide will take you through Jesus’ own prophecies and many others so that you can gain greater clarity on what to expect—as well as explore the amazing future that awaits you! A great resource for either individual or group study. 134 pages, paperback.

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The Book of Signs Study Guide

31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse

Dr. David Jeremiah, 2019

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In The Book of Signs Study Guide, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah examines the prophetic writings from the Old and New Testaments to help you cut through the confusion and give you insights about God's plan for humankind as the end times draw near. In this comprehensive thirty-one lesson volume, you will explore what God's Word says about International Signs: the nations and regions that will play important roles as the final events of the age emerge. Cultural Signs: what will occur in societies and cultures around the world as we approach the end times. Heavenly Signs: what will happen to believers during this tumultuous time. Tribulation Signs: what will transpire during this seven-year period, when Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet unleash unspeakable horrors on the world. End Signs: what believers can look forward to experiencing when Jesus returns and God establishes His everlasting kingdom on earth.

God has given us a firm understanding of what is really going on in the world and what will happen as we approach the end of the age. As you come to understand the truth about these signs, your faith will grow, you will live more confidently, and you will gain a new hope for the future—knowing the time for the return of the Prince of Peace is drawing near.

Each Lesson Includes:

  • An outline of the main subjects and Scriptures covered during the lesson
  • An overview of Dr. Jeremiah's teaching on the topic being studied
  • Application questions to help individuals and small group delve into the Bible
  • A Did You Know? Section that adds a point of interest to the lesson

336 pages, paperback.

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Also get The Book of Signs hardcover book

The Non-Prophet's Guide to the End Times

Bible Prophecy For Everyone

Todd Hampson, 2018

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Do you tend to avoid studying books of the Bible like Revelation and Ezekiel? Does it feel like words such as rapture and apocalypse fly right over your head? It's common to dismiss these and other topics related to Bible prophecy as irrelevant and...well...too complicated. But God's Word says, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near" (Revelation 1:3). Prepare to be blessed in an entertaining and meaningful way! The Non-Prophet's Guide to the End Times combines engaging illustrations with down-to-earth explanations to help you navigate the ins and outs of Bible prophecy. There's no better time to grasp God's plans for the future—and for you—than this very moment. 224 pages, paperback, illustrated.

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Bible Prophecy Made Clear

A User-Friendly Look at the End Times

Douglas Connelly, 2002, 2018

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Previously titled Bible Prophecy for Blockheads

Face it--Bible prophecy is daunting stuff. All those images of seven-headed dragons, hundred-pound hailstones, froglike demons, trumpet-blowing angels... how do you even begin to make sense of it? Simple. Flip open Bible Prophecy Made Clear--a lighthearted and illuminating approach to a serious and mystifying subject. With icons to steer you toward fast, helpful information and an easy-to-use format, this book will help you get your arms--and your faith--around the Bible's astonishing claims concerning the future. Bible Prophecy Made Clear helps you:

  • Understand the basic rules for interpreting Bible prophecy.
  • Know what's symbolic and what should be taken literally.
  • Discover what the Bible says about the Tribulation, the Antichrist, the rapture, the battle of Armageddon, and other momentous world figures and events.
  • Look at the details from a big-picture perspective.
  • Explore prophets and their prophecies throughout the Bible, from Daniel to Jesus to Paul to John.
  • Discover the four different views on interpreting Revelation: preterist, historicist, futurist, and idealist.
  • Learn key terms for understanding prophecy.
  • Find out what God says about the future for you and your loved ones.

217 pages, paperback.

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Bible Prophecy Handbook


Carol Smith, 2010

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Want to know the future? Discover more about it in God’s Word! This careful study of the Bible’s prophetic passages provides intriguing insights into each one. Throughout its pages, the Bible offers glimpses of what is yet to come—the end of the world as we know it. Some of those glimpses are beautiful, others mysterious. . .all of them fascinating. Reviewing relevant passages from the Old Testament books of Ezekiel and Daniel and the New Testament’s final Revelation, the Bible Prophecy Handbook unveils the future in an amazing tapestry of images. Available individually, or as a pack of 10 copies, the affordable and accessible Bible Prophecy Handbook provides 90 brief readings that are clear and easy to digest, describing various evangelical viewpoints on the end times. 160 pages, mass market paperback.

Prophecies of the Bible

The Smart Guide to the Bible Series

Daymond R. Duck, author, 2007
Dr. Larry Richards, general editor

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Understand God's Plan-Past, Present, and Future. We're living in tenuous times. Counterfeit doctrines and false prophecies are treated as fact and marketed to the world. Many Christians are confused and disturbed. Prophecies of the Bible gives you the truth about fulfilled and future prophecies. You'll learn how to discern the Sovereign God's many messages-and messengers-as you discover all He has planned for you. 335 pages, paper, appendix, index.

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The Wrap-Up

THE WRAP-UP: 21 Days To Learn What the Bible Teaches About the End of the Age

Kay D. Paulson, 2007

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The Wrap-Up offers a fresh, logical way of integrating complex eschatological passages into a cohesive whole. The passages mesh beautifully when interpreted according to the plain reading of the text and in sync with what other passages say on the same subject. If you will work through the Scripture passages in the order they are presented in this book, you will end up with a clear understanding of how the final events of this world will shape up. Is it scary? It depends. The coming judgments are horrendous for sure. But Jesus is coming back, too. If you love his appearing, knowing this world’s future is a peaceful place to be. Not only will you have a good grasp of what lies ahead, you’ll know Who is running the show. You’ll see beyond the distress to a glorious future. There’s a new world coming! 163 pages, paper.

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Understanding End Times Prophecy Photo

A Comprehensive Approach
Revised and Expanded

Paul N. Benware, 1995, 2006

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Bible prophecy continues to fascinate, never more than in troubled times of war and natural disasters. But why study Bible prophecy? What does it mean if a person is premillennial or amillennial, believes in the Rapture, or knows who or what the Beast of Revelation is? Benware's framework for understanding Bible prophecy is based on the four biblical covenants: Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New. This book is a reference for seminary and college students, and those curious about the various views of end times prophetic events and biblical proof behind them. 421 pages, paper, appendices, Scripture index, subject index, illustrations

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Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse

The Official Field Manual for the End of the World

Jason Boyett, 2005

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The Pocket Guide… takes a humorous look at our culture’s ongoing love affair with the “End Times.” A handful of anecdotes, acknowledgements of the phenomenon in pop culture and insights from the author precede chapters like: “Apocalyptionary: A Glossary of the End Times,” “Fun with Eschatology” and “Armageddon Grab-Bag.” Don’t get left behind on this end-times extravaganza! 161 pages, paper.

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The End Times

END TIMES: 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups
A LifeGuide Bible Study

R. Paul Stevens, 1994, 2004

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We all wonder about the end--when it will come, what it will be like and what will happen to us. This guide gives a solid overview of what the Bible syas about end time--and helps us be ready to face the future. 96-page booklet, leader's notes.

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The End Times

Discovering What the Bible Says
12 Studies for Individuals or Groups

E. Michael Rusten, 1997

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What does Scripture say about the end of the world? The guide looks at the major biblical themes and passages related to the end times. You will discover fresh insights on Jesus' second coming, the antichrist, the millennium, the final judgment and more. Study guide offers: Penetrating questions that generate discussion; Flexible format for groups or individual needs; Helpful leader's notes; Emphasis on daily application of Bible truth. 88-page booklet.

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Inside the Revolution


Joel C. Rosenberg, 2009

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In this companion piece to the best-selling Inside the Revolution, Joel C. Rosenberg takes you inside the Revolution and answers your questions:

  • How real and serious is the threat of Radical Islam to American national security eight years after 9/11?
  • Are there any Muslim leaders who oppose the violence of the Radicals—and is there any hope that such leaders will come to power in key countries in the Middle East?
  • What is God doing in the Middle East—and is there any hope that Muslims will find faith in Jesus Christ?
  • How can Christians help strengthen those who love Jesus in the Muslim world, and how can we reach out to Muslims here at home?

177 pages, paper.

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More Books on Islamic Terrorism

Epicenter Study Guide


Rosenberg, Joel C., 2008

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The politics of the Middle East can be murky and confusing. But one thing is increasingly certain: The eyes of the nations are riveted upon Israel and her neighbors, the epicenter of the momentous events shaking our world and shaping our future. What does the future hold? How will it affect your world? The Epicenter Study Guide can be used along with Joel Rosenberg's best-selling book Epicenter as well as the Epicenter DVD to help de mystify the events happening around the world. 92 pages, paper.

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Bible Prophecy For Kids

Revelation 1-7

Kay Arthur & Janna Arndt, 2006

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Young explorers can join the dynamic Bible detective team of Max, Molly, and Sam-the amazing beagle-for an adventure they will never forget. Through Bible word studies, activities, and clever investigation, kids will discover the secrets of Revelation, including

  • what heaven is like
  • why the future is exciting
  • how their faith today relates to end times

Excellent stories and lots of action create a child-friendly study of end times ideal for Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and independent study. 160 pages, paper.

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A Sneak Peek into the Future

Revelation 8-22

Kay Arthur & Janna Arndt, 2007

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Young adventurers can join the dynamic Bible detectives Max, Molly, and beagle Sam for the quest of a lifetime. The team continues the exciting exploration of the book of Revelation they started in Bible Prophecy for Kids and presents clever word studies and activities to unveil the amazing wonders of Revelation’s chapters 8-22 including:

  • how the ultimate victory takes place
  • what kids today can know about new Jerusalem
  • why the ending of the Bible is just the beginning
  • ways to truly worship God
  • what it takes to be a strong witness

Fun stories and lots of action create a child-friendly study of end times ideal for Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and independent study. 203 pages, paper.

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