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Nancy Taylor, 2016 |
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This book is based on the Holy Bible in Revelation regarding the end times and the final battle between good and evil, the mark of the beast, his image and the fall of Babylon. We are in a spiritual warfare and God gives us tools to use to overcome the evil spirits, the False Prophet, and Satan who rules them for his own political evil agenda of a New World Order. It is highly critical we know who they are and how to apply Gods tools in our daily lives. We are witnessing in our lives today and what it means for us. For Satan is in the race with us and will do everything in his power to prevent us from winning the race with God. Satan knows his time is short and his False Prophet is not wasting any time recruiting and growing. We must be more diligent, bold and prepared than ever before in knowing Gods Word, the catastrophic events to come and our faith in Jesus Christ. 101 pages, paperback.
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Never before has one book contained such valuable information about the Islamic faith, beliefs, and traditions, as well as historical and political insights. In and easy-to-read format, Dr. Mark Gabriel shares the truth and tells you everything you need to know and understand about Islam. In this eye-opening, Revised and Updated Edition, Gabriel explains:
For the readers of this book, the motive behind Islamic world activity will no longer be a mystery. Each action is rooted in the philosophy of Islam. Now both the Christian and the political world must decide how to react to Muhammad's revelation. 214 pages, paperback, glossary, bibliography.
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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all feature parallel accounts of the ‘end times,’ and all three accounts feature a messianic Savior, an apocalyptic final war between good and evil, and a central role for the city of Jerusalem; do these three ‘end times’ scenarios intersect in some way? In a world that cries out for peace, which will prevail—Jesus or jihad?
We live in a world changed forever by 9/11—a world still very dangerous, where Westerners in general, and Christians in particular, remain targets of terrorism. People are wondering: What next's? Is there any hope for peace in the world? Or is terror our destiny? Bible-believing Christians have even more questions: What does the threat of Islamic extremism mean in terms of Bible prophecy? What do today’s turbulent events in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Russia mean in prophetic terms? Dr. Youssef provides answers that are concise, biblically accurate, and targeted on the challenges that confront us in a world that is increasingly fraught with peril. We must seek to understand who is attacking us, how these trends fit into the flow of prophetic history, and how we should respond. 239 pages, paperback.
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As we move quickly toward the time of Christ's return, many things have to fall into place. Among them, the time must be ripe within society to not only birth a one-world government, but a ruler to rule over it. Once this ruler - the Antichrist - begins his climb to the top of the leadership heap, the Tribulation is not that far behind. Of course, societal changes must also occur in order to create favorable conditions to which the Antichrist will enter. Many of these changes are currently taking place throughout the world, guided by the politics of the United States, as well as nations across the globe. What are these political changes? How are they working to create a new world order? What to they have to do with the End Times, as it is called in the Bible? 370 pages, paperback (7" X 10"). View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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There is a chaos coming that is predicated upon the rise of Islam, Satanic Soldiers, aliens, and evil beyond measure. As an ideology, Islam masquerades as a religious light to the world, one that promises to usher in world peace but at what cost? Through the use of political strategies, military might, and religious tenets, adherents of Islam work within various established governments to create special laws or exemptions for Muslims, in the hope of eventually overthrowing that established government. Americans and other Democratic nations have a tendency to believe that something as antiquated as Islam and as barbaric as Sharia Law have little to no chance of succeeding as a worldwide venue. Yet, this is obviously far from the truth. By merely looking at current conditions in The Netherlands, Great Britain, France, and elsewhere, a clear picture is seen that those who profess Allah as god have no difficulty pursuing a course of action that promotes Allah under the three-pronged system of Islam. But Islam, while a very real threat, is not the only one. Many believe that something known as The Black Awakening will one day occur, bringing those among us who seem to live normal lives, but are deeply connected to Satan, awake to do his bidding, further precipitating a worldwide disorder. With the help of these Satanic Soldiers woken to their true calling, as well as the false front of demons masquerading as aliens, and the barbarism of Islam, Satan is leading an army in which he hopes to capture all of mankind. Sound far-fetched? Too much like science fiction? Think again because what may seem like the plot of a Sci-Fi movie, may well be at our door. The question is...what, if anything, can be done about it? 184 pages, paperback (7" X 10"), illustrated. View: Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation.
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Inside the Revolution takes you inside the winner-take-all battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of the people of the Middle East. It includes never-before-seen profiles of the Radicals, the Reformers and the Revivalists. It explains the implications of each movement and the importance of each leader-not only through the lenses of politics and economics but through the third lens of Scripture as well. Today, wars and revolutions define the modern Middle East, and many believe the worst is yet to come. Inside will answer questions such as: How real and serious is the threat of radical islam? What is God doing in the Middle East? Are there Muslim leaders that oppose the violence of radicals? (551 pages, hardcover), (559 pages, paperback), appendix, index.
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In this companion piece to the best-selling Inside the Revolution, Joel C. Rosenberg takes you inside the Revolution and answers your questions:
177 pages, paper.
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If you have ever wondered where Islam fits into the scope of endtime prophecy - YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK! The Coming Judgment of Islam is a serious and in-depth look at one of the most significant and yet misunderstood prophecies in the Bible. This timely and provocative exposition of the Book of Revelation chapters seventeen and eighteen will guide you through some of the most vexing questions as to where we currently are on God’s prophetic timetable. 167 pages, paper.
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Terrorist attacks in the Middle East and the West are nothing less than a chilling preview of a coming military showdown that will determine if freedom and our way of life will survive. Prophecy expert Grant R. Jeffrey has uncovered evidence that the forces of extremist Islam are committed to destroying Israel and to conquering all of western civilization. Drawing from firsthand interviews and intelligence reports, plus exhaustive research into Scripture, historical trends, religious movements, and current events, Jeffrey is convinced the opening stages of the next world war have begun. The Israeli army will battle the invading forces of Russia and extreme Islam, and God will intervene to defend Israel. 210 pages, paper.
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The Western media are so busy analyzing who, what, where, when, and how that they never answer the question of why. This book is about the why behind Islamic terrorism. Dr. Mark Gabriel makes a major breakthrough by identifying the five pillars of radical philosophy--the bedrock beliefs that cut through all radical writings. Dr. Gabriel uses the writings of Osama bin Laden, ayman al-Zawahiri, and others to show how terrorists justify their actions through the Quran, the life of Muhammad, and Islamic history. Finally, Dr. Gabriel describes how earlier terrorist groups were stopped and shows how the world can work together to stop the terrorists of today. 219 pages, paper, glossary, bibliography, index.
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Islam has been veiled in a vast sea of misinformation for too long! Never before has one book contained such valuable information about the Islamic faith, beliefs and traditions as well as historical and political insights. Dr. Mark Gabriel shares the truth and tells you everything you need to know and understand about Islam and why the United States has become the target of Islamic terrorism. 234 pages, paper.
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Best selling author Grant Jeffrey explores the origin and motives of the Islamic terrorists that have declared war against America and the West. Examine the motives and plans of these terror groups and the states that support them. Learn how the powerful western alliance against terror will use our diplomatic, intelligence and military forces to destroy the Islamic terrorists that are trying to destroy our way of life. Key Points include:
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September 11, 2001! A day that changed the world. No longer do Americans have the luxury of assuming that because we are halfway across the globe from nations that incite terrorism, we are immune to danger. We have now experienced what Israel has been living with for decades. Sudden Terror exposes the hidden agenda of militant Islam. You will learn:
The author, a former member of the Israel Defense Forces, provides eye-opening answers to these and other critical questions. 147 pages, paper, appendix, glossary, bibliography.
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This is an account of how the recent rise of militant Christian, Jewish, and Muslim fundamentalisms and their interatction are endangering peace in the Middle East. It details how apocalypticist fundamentalists -- Christians in America, Jews in Israel and America -- are working together to hasten the coming of the Messiah by instigating a Holy War in the Middle East. 233 pages, paper, bibliography, index.
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A biblical analysis of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by prophecy expert Arno Froese. Contents include:
The Act of Terror * Global Reaction to Terror * Shadows of Prophecy * Attack on America in Light of Prophecy * Shadows of Armageddon * Example: Israel * Not Armageddon * Not Mystery Babylon * Global Capitalism * Church and Government * Islam in the Endtimes * Israel and Islam * Religious Globalism. 128 pages, paper.
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Hagee explores several reasons for the terrorist assault, including America's spiritual poverty, the historical antagonism between Arabs and Jews, and the powerful significance of the Temple Mount, a thirty-five acre parcel that is the most fiercely contested real estate on the planet. In this updated version of The Battle for Jerusalem, Hagee also carefully looks at what this new step in the struggle will mean for America-and the world-in the days and years to come. 274 pages, paper.
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