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Thomas Horn, 2021 |
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Josh Peck’s new documentary The Great Delusion reveals for the first time:
You will also see stunning reports on the UFO phenomena by Dr. Thomas Horn, Josh Peck, L.A. Marzulli, Timothy Alberino, Nick Pope, Cris Putnam, Chuck Missler, and many more!! DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
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It's been assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty. At the head of the utopian administration, a single personality will surface. He will appear to be a man of distinguished character, but will ultimately become a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23). With imperious decree, he will facilitate a One-World Government, universal religion, and global socialism. Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Bible prophecy depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf Hitler s plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come era is closer than many can imagine, yet most don t comprehend the events that lie just ahead. 345 pages, paperback.
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Does the Bible predict an asteroid... or something else?
Is the star from Revelation 8 already headed toward Earth? What's more, do government officials already know the answer to that question? Traditional scholarly interpretation claims that the Wormwood star will be an asteroid. Others postulate that it will poison on-third of all Earth's waters--and we may not even notice it! Others believe the star could hit without warning, like and angel of God appearing in the sky with fire and light, bringing judgment in an instant.
Do prophecies from ancient cultures and religions across the globe point to this catastrophe? Have scientists and poliicians taken extreme measures to keep this under the public radar? Is this why President Donald Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to planetary defense? Follow Thomas Horn as he blazes a trail through these questions and many others, posing answers that few in the church today are willing to provide. 261 pages, index.
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Over the last few decades, celebrated theorists and philosophers have increasingly contemplated the future of humanity through a predictive lens the meaning and purpose of our existence in light of the Bible s end-times narrative. Is it possible that ancient prophets actually foresaw how the world would come to an end and how final salvation including judgment of the nations would precisely transpire? In this wide-ranging and authoritative work, recognized experts from around the globe examine extraordinary developments currently playing out in geopolitics, science and technology, discovery, and even the supernatural, under the microscope of Scripture. The magnitude of individual choices and opportunities that lie just ahead, these experts say, will soon impact all of our lives in unprecedented ways. 327 pages, paperback.
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The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican's Last Crusade reveals...
414 pages, paperback.
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Following the release of their international best-seller, Exo-Vaticana, Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with requests from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. What they discovered sent shockwaves through Christianity concerning the Vatican s advanced telescope, which sits on top of Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching the earth. After the author s initial report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the pope s top astronomer took to the airwaves and on the Vatican Observatory website to try and explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing with regards to emerging ET Friendly theology, their association with the LUCIFER device at Mt. Graham, and their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may have on planet Earth s religions; Christianity in particular. Now, armed with fresh information from the native peoples (that failed before a federal appeals court to stop the construction of the Vatican s observatory on one of their four holiest mountains), the authors set out with cameras and field investigators to unearth their most astonishing discovery yet. The mountain is said to be a portal, a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows and the authors uncovered, it is not the only one. 382 pages, paperback.
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As the world races toward its momentous end times encounter between good and evil (known in the Bible as Armageddon), a deepening antagonism is developing worldwide against conservative Christians. According to a 2014 Pew Research Center report, this hostility now includes the United States, which elevated from the lowest category of government restrictions on Christian expressions as of mid-2009 to an advanced category in only the last three years. This trend may point to one of the most overlooked aspects of Bible prophecy--a war that ultimately pits born-again believers against Religious Christians. Contributing Authors: Gary Stearman, Chuck Missler, Cris Putnam, Michael Lake, Sharon Gilbert, Derek Gilbert, Larry Spargimino, Pau McGuire, Douglas W. Krieger, S. Douglas Woodward & Terry James. 301 pages, paperback.
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Most people today are familiar with radio-frequency identification (rfid) technology that is increasingly expanding within public and private firms as a method for verifying and tracking inventory and people. Yet how many know a plan exists for widespread adoption of human microchipping beginning in the year 2017? Students of eschatology (the study of end-times events) find it increasingly difficult to dismiss how this all looks and feels like movement toward fulfilling Revelation 13:16–17: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Now, as newer versions of rfid-like transmitters become even more sophisticated—adding other “prophetic” components such as merging human biological matter with transistors to create living, implantable machines, the authors of this book—a former police detective and a bestselling prophecy writer—have come to believe the possibility that the mark of the Beast will arrive through a version of this technology is substantial. 284 pages, paperback.
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More books by Terry L. Cook
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What even the best researchers of the Illuminati and veiled fraternities such as the Freemasons were never able to fully decipher is spelled out herein for the first time. The power at work behind global affairs and why current planetary powers are hurriedly aligning for a New Order from Chaos is exposed. Most incredibly, one learns how ancient prophets foresaw and forewarned of this time. Zenith 2016 reveals for the first time:
Internationally acclaimed investigative author Thomas Horn uncovers what you can expect to unfold in the coming days, and, more importantly, what you can do to be prepared for the arrival of the kingdom of Antichrist. 464 pages, paperback.
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Following the release of their 2012 best-seller Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. These included segments in The History Channel’s “Countdown to Apocalypse,” a special feature on Canada’s largest Christian channel VisionTV titled “I Prophesy: The Apocalypse Series,” invitations to Rome to discuss with Italian media their findings on René Thibaut (a Belgian Jesuit whose meticulous analysis of the Prophecy of the Popes predicted the arrival of Petrus Romanus in this era), and dozens more. But during a show on Omega Man Radio the author’s disclosed an “extraterrestrial” connection between Petrus Romanus, the Vatican, and the Mount Graham Observatory, which rocketed that program into the #1 position in the world, illustrating to the authors that modern civilization is more than casually interested not only in the final pope, but in the connection between Rome and their secret work on extraterrestrial intelligence, astrobiology, and the intriguing preparations they are making for the arrival of an alien ‘savior.’ Thus, the new investigation began and quickly resulted in findings far more disturbing than the authors expected to find. 609 pages, paperback.
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For more than 800 years scholars have pointed to the dark augury having to do with “the last Pope.” The prophecy, taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes,” is among a list of verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome. First published in 1595, the prophecies were attributed to St. Malachy by a Benedictine historian named Arnold de Wyon, who recorded them in his book, Lignum Vitæ. Tradition holds that Malachy had been called to Rome by Pope Innocent II, and while there, he experienced the vision of the future popes, including the last one, which he wrote down in a series of cryptic phrases. According to the prophecy, the next pope (following Benedict XVI) is to be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman. The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy’s list heralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics would agree with. This would give rise to a false prophet, who according to the book of Revelation leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as Antichrist. 528 pages, paperback.
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In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to redefine what it means to be human. An international, intellectual and fast-growing cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology (GRIN technologies) as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps, as Joel Garreau in his bestselling book Radical Evolution claims, our very souls. 310 pages, paperback.
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