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Releasing the Power of the Prophetic

A Practical Guide to Developing a Listening Ear and Discerning Spirit

Jeremy Lopez, 2011

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All believers have access to God's gift of prophecy, yet this is one of the most confusing and misunderstood topics in the Church. Questions such as Who can prophesy? and How do I receive a word? stop believers from stepping out in the adventure of faith that comes from hearing and speaking God's words. In this down-to-earth, accessible guide, international prophetic leader Jeremy Lopez shows you how to exercise God's gift of prophecy. He lays the biblical foundation for prophecy and offers insight and answers for understanding all things prophetic, showing you how to: tune in to God's voice; know the difference between a right and wrong word; develop and mature your prophetic gifting; give and receive words from the Lord. This is the essential handbook for all who long to move in the power of the prophetic. 144 pages, paperback.

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Ecstatic Prophecy


Stacey Campbell with Wesley Campbell, 2008

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Ecstatic prophecy is a form of prophecy in which the prophet is completely overtaken by the Holy Spirit--body, soul, and spirit--and prophesies almost as an oracle. In Ecstatic Prophecy, Stacey Campbell, a respected teacher and regular and high-profile recipient of this gift, explains the ins and outs of this remarkable mode of prophecy. She takes readers through biblical and early church examples of ecstatic prophecy and uncovers the history of its occurrence until modern times. She also examines how those with this gift can mature in it, avoid deception by testing spirits, and use this method of prophesying to grow closer to God and to reveal Jesus. 252 pages, paper, bibliography, Scripture index, subject index.

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Understanding Your Personal Prophecy

How to Evaluate, Judge, Interpret and Apply Personal Prophecy

Gary Cake, 2008

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Gary Cake has more than a decade of experience empowering people to take responsibility for personal prophecies. Knowing the appropriate response and taking action will move you forward toward God's destiny for your life. This practical guide about personal prophecy allows you to evaluate, judge, interpret and apply the prophecy to your everyday life. 167 pages, paper.

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Understanding Prophetic People

Blessings and Problems with the Prophetic Gift

R. Loren Sandford, 2007

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Scripture lists prophecy as one of five ministry gifts for the Church, but prophetically gifted people have the reputation for being difficult--sometimes impossible--to live and work with. Prophetic pastor Loren Sandford delves into the mysteries of this office, including: why prophets seem extreme and moody; how prophetic people hear from God; the difference between adrenaline and anointing; the four signs of a true prophet; how to pastor a prophetic person; how to recognize this gift in children. Prophets can learn to step out of loneliness and isolation into balance and wholeness. As they grow in this unique calling, the Body of Christ will indeed be blessed. 230 pages, paper.

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Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry


Kris Vallotton, 2005

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Have you been called by God to be a prophet? Learn how to develop your calling and increase the strength of your gifts from someone who has given hundreds of prophetic words worldwide. Author Kris Vallotton guides you through the rigors of basic training by revealing the core issues about prophecy and a revolutionary prophetic ministry. Complete with inspiring true stories, thought-provoking questions, and Personal Experience Journal, you can begin today to fulfill the calling God designed for you! 106 pages, 8 1/2 X 11 paperback.

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The Prophet's Dictionary

THE PROPHET'S DICTIONARY: The Ultimate Guide to Supernatural Wisdom - Revised Edition

Paula A. Price, Ph.D., 1999, 2002, 2006

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An essential tool for laymen, prophets, prophesiers, pastors, intercessors, and dreamers of dreams. As an all-in-one dictionary and reference book containing over 1,600 revelant definitions of terms and phrases for the prophetic realm of Christian ministry, it will show you how to:

  • Experience the power of the gifts of prophecy
  • Understand their operation in our modern time
  • Correctly interpret and apply God's prophetic words
  • Distinguish between true and false prophets
  • Differentiate between spiritual and natural dreams

602 pages, paper.

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The Prophet's Handbook

A Guide to Prophecy and Its Operation

Paula A. Price, 2001, 2008

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The prophetic gifts are still operating today. Discover God’s divine plan for them and how they are meant to benefit and not hinder the body of Christ. The Prophet’s Handbook details the roles and duties of the prophetic in the church and clearly explains its necessity. As an indispensable reference, this comprehensive text is something no church leader should be without. Dr. Paula Price intelligently and skillfully explains the function and responsibilities of local church prophets and those who prophesy. Her years of research and ministry have led to the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church. 398 pages, paper, appendix.

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The Prophetic Intercessor

THE PROPHETIC INTERCESSOR: Releasing God's Purposes to Change Lives and Influence Nations - Revised Edition

James W. Goll, 1999, 2007

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Revised and updated edition of Kneeling on the Promises

James W. Goll challenges you to pray God's promises and experience a whole new level of effectiveness in personal, corporate and even international concerns. An established voice in the prophetic community and cofounder of Encounters Network, he shares from his personal life and experience in the ministry to exhort, equip and impart wisdom from the trenches. This inspiring reading--including a practical 21-day devotional--will transform your prayer life. 231 pages, paper, subject index, Scripture index.

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Embracing the Prophetic


Eileen Fisher, 2007

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Embracing the Prophetic will help equip and mature people in the prophetic. This will show you how the prophetic works to build, edify, encourage, and strengthen the Body of Christ. This is a book for all those who have questions regarding the prophetic gifting. There is a need for greater enlightenment and revelation for the prophetic to achieve a higher measure of excellence. We all need to be vigilant to recognize and hear the voice of God. 189 pages, paper.

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Prophetic Evangelism

Empowering a Generation to Seize Their Day

Sean Smith, 2004

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You have been God-ordained to be on a collision course with the destiny of the multitudes. You are going to launch into a fresh empowerment becoming fiery agents of transformation. The quest for truth is on; summoning a new breed of marketplace prophetic evangelists to rise to the challenge. Prophetic Evangelism issues an invitation to reinstate prophecy to its rightful place in evangelism. This book reveals that God wants to speak through you directly into the conscience of unbelievers. It's time to break free from futility and frustrations to experience a release that will see heaven freshly populated with souls that you've impacted. Get ready to see 21st Century evangelists fully restored to the original New Testament status. You hold the key to the outcome of your generation. 238 pages, paper.

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Developing the Prophetic Ministry


Frank Damazio, 1983

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Discover practical guidelines given for the effective operation of the prophetic ministry in the context of the local church. This book also helps you understand the difference between the office of a prophet and the gift of prophecy, how to test a prophecy, and what role it plays in a believer's life. 67 pages, paper.

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The Gift of Prophecy

in the New Testament and Today
Revised Edition

Wayne Grudem, 2000

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What does the New Testament teach about the spiritual gift of prophecy? What is it? How does it function? Can evangelical Christians use it in their churches today? This updated, comprehensive work answers such questions and points the way to a renewed understanding of the gift of prophecy-an understanding that suggests how the body of Christ may enjoy one of the Holy Spirit's most edifying gifts without compromising supremacy of Scritpure. 400 pages, paper, appendix, Scripture index, general index.

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Prophetic Ministry

PROPHETIC MINISTRY: A Classic Study on the Nature of a Prophet

Theodore Austin Sparks, 2000

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This respected and proven voice from our past speaks with wisdom and authority on one of the most misunderstood but essential ministries in the church today. He talks about man, the passion, the voice and the mercy expressed in the hearts of true prophets of the Lord. You will learn how to recognize, understand and respond to a true prophet as you read the pages of this book. 104 pages, paper.

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Todays Prophets

New Testament Teaching on Todays Prophets

Kevin J. Conner, n.d.

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One of the winds of the Spirit that is blowing across the land is a fresh look at the prophetic ministry. There are those who have come to grips with the fact that God has placed prophets in the New Testament Church. This booklet addresses the scriptural checks and balances of this particular ministry that God is restoring to the house of God. 31-page booklet.

Thus Saith the Lord?


John Bevere, 1999

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How do you know when God is speaking? Today, there is an insatiable hunger for the prophetic word of the Lord. Christians are eager to receive "words from the Lord" and to share them. Along with the genuine desire for the real comes a vulnerability to excessive or counterfeit prophetic ministry. Too often, modern "prophets" stream through our churches, fellowships, and homes giving words almost like fortune-tellers. But is God really speaking? 183 pages, paper

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Final Approach

The Opportunity and Adventure of End-Times Living

Roberts Liardon, 1993

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It's not really important when the rapture occurs. What matters is what you are doing when it happens. In Final Approach, author Roberts Liardon will give you the keys to victorious living in the end times. You will learn:

  • How to keep your joy during tough times
  • How to be in the middle of what God is doing
  • How to keep the enemy from aborting God's plan for your life
  • Why this is your finest hour-and the church's
  • Your role as the final witness to all nations
190 pages, paper.

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Guidelines for the Effective Use of Prophecy

Larry J. Randolph, 1998

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Do you want to know wht prophecy is--what it really is? In this book you'll learn the basics of how to prophesy, who can prophesy, who is a prophet, and many other concepts. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned believer, this book will teach you the fundamentals and stir up the prophetic gift that God has placed inside you. Filled with practical principles and personal stories, it will encourage you to step out into the deep waters of biblical prophecy. 191 pages, paper


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