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Hal Lindsey, 2002
America was founded by men who were totally influenced by the Bible and Christian ethics. All of the precepts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are based on the assumption that God is supreme over the affairs of man and His laws are the absolute basis of justice. America flourished because of this for over 180 years. But when the Supreme Court began to re-interpret the original laws so that God was forced out of our schools and out of our public consciousness, the United States began a steady decline. This video will show that America will not survive if there is not a return to the original thinking of its founders. Even our economic system as built on the assumption that the average citizen would be honest and ethical in his dealings. We can see today how our economics are failing, because without God in our public consciousness, there is no longer a comon honesty or ethics. This video is a must to understand why we must reverse this fatal trend in America before it is too late. 53 minutes. VHS Video.
War--the most brutal, barbaric and destructive conflict ever
waged on this planet. He shows how the world is headed inevitably to a holocaust that can only be
halted by divine intervention. VHS Video
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