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Questar Films, 2003 |
$19.95 VHS Video | Ships within 24 hours! |
$19.95 DVD Version | Ships within 24 hours! |
Examines the major events that will immediately precede and unfold during the Tribulation period. The Rapture of the Church, a time when Jesus Christ will appear and take the faithful to heaven instantly. The Rise of the Antichrist, a world leader empowered by Satan. The outpouring of God's wrath and the Final Judgment upon the earth. The Triumphant Return of Jesus. Features insights from Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Ed Hindson, and Dr. Thomas Ice. 60 minutes.
$4.95 Retail Save: $20.00 (80%) | Ships within 24 hours! |
Stan has been to Mount Megiddo, one of the most famous battlegrounds in the world, three times and will show pictures of where God will gather the armies in the valley of decision for the Battle of Armageddon to march on Jerusalem. Historians believe that more battles were fought at this location than anywhere else on earth. The battle enabling the British Field Marshal Edmund Allenby to take control of the Holy Land from the Turks occurred at Megiddo. Two hours, 40 minutes. VHS Video.
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