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ILLUMINATI: Game or Blueprint for World Domination? - DVD
Stephen Dollins, 2005
Stephen Dollins is an ex-Satanist High Priest of the Church of Satan and speaker on the videos “The Occult in Your Living Room” and “Under the Spell of Harry Potter.” In the early 1990’s, the Secret Service attempted to stop the distribution of a deck of cards called “Illuminati: New World Order.” One of the cards clearly portrays an airplane hitting the World Trade Centers while another shows the explosion at the Pentagon. Stephen says they may contain the Illuminati’s secret plans for: *Martial Law *Weapons Confiscation *Population reduction *Controlled Diseases re-released *Financial Collapse *Worthless Currency *The two events just prior to the Antichrist ... paralleling Bible prophecy. 2 hrs. 40 min. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
Marquis, Doc, 2011 |
$19.95 Retail $29.99 | Currently Unavailable |
On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. This astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod the finger of God pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing. For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity. New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new Garden of Eden will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order. In 'Paradigm Shift', we shall examine some cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite may have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift". The New Age Christ cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specifically stops this plan, this long-awaited Paradigm Shift may occur December 21, 2012. Will this be the time God brings His prophetic Biblical "strong delusion" upon mankind? 120 minutes on DVD. Languages: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$19.95 Retail $29.99 | Currently Unavailable |
Do you know how Doc Marquis came out of his Satanic coven and the Illuminati? He read the Book of Revelation and realized that he had just read the Plan of the Illuminati! Doc checked to see when the Book of Revelation was written and found it to be late First Century. He already knew that the Illuminati Plan was written in 1773. Therefore, the only reason the Plan so perfectly paralled Revelation is that the power of the Holy Spirit forced Satan to write his Plan so that it was a mirror image of Revelation. Doc had always been taught that the Satan whom he served was the most powerful in the universe, but he fell on his knees right then and there, asking Jesus to become his Savior!
Marquis will demonstrate how completely the Illuminati Plan will fulfill Bible prophecy once it is completely worked out. This DVD is intended to prove to the unsaved that Jesus Christ is real and will sit in judgment one day for all mankind; this DVD is also intended to move the backslidden Christian to come back to Jesus in repentance because world events are rapidly moving toward the appearance of Antichrist and the completion of all events. Time is short! A Plan of Salvation is presented at the very end of this video. Running Time: 3 hours, 20 minutes on DVD. Languages: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$19.95 Retail $39.99 | Currently Unavailable |
Now that you have read and heard the noise and chatter about the year 2012, you will be pleased to know the truth of the Illuminati Plan for 2012, from a man who knows the Plan thoroughly, former Illuminati Luciferian, Doc Marquis! After watching this 'One of a Kind' DVD set, you will no longer wonder what will happen after December 21, 2012! Is the New Age Christ ready to appear? Is the end of the world near? Are we doomed to destruction? Do we have any hope for tomorrow beyond the year 2012? In this new, exciting and riveting 2 part DVD set renowned author and former Illuminati witch Doc Marquis takes up the daunting task of revealing the truth behind December 21, 2012. At the end, through a unique series of question and answers along with comparisons of the Holy Scriptures Doc Marquis shall begin to reveal the final truth behind the mystery of 2012, a task he completes in Volume 2. Running Time: Nearly 4 hours on 2 DVDs. Languages: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$19.95 Retail $39.99 | Currently Unavailable |
On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. This astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod ? the finger of God ? pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing. For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity. New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new ?Garden of Eden? will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order.
In Volume 2, we shall examine some other cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite seem to have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift". Antichrist cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specificially stops the Illuminati, their demonic Guiding Spirits may just have this long-awaited Paradigm Shift planned for December 21, 2012. New Age adherents are looking forward to this day as enthusiastically as we Christians are looking forward to the Rapture of the Church! Running Time: Over 3 hours on 2 DVDs. Languages: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$19.95 Retail $29.99 | Currently Unavailable |
Doc Marquis boldly outlines the real 'movers and shakers' of the Illuminati, those organizations most responsible for driving us all into the global dictatorship, the New World Order. But, he provides extra startling detail which only a former Illuminati insider could know. Marquis begins by examining key cards from the Illuminati Card Game, and explaining the importance of the insights provided by these remarkably accurate cards. Marquis then exposes each and every key organization manipulating the world into this new Satanic system.
Six Front Groups of the Illuminati: 1)Royal Institute of International Affairs; 2) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Doc reveals the extensive ownership and contol over the News Media. Anchors are told which stories to feature and which slant they are to provide each story. CFR also controls America's foreign policy; Articles in their magazine, 'Foreign Affairs' later become American foreign policy; 3)United Nations; 4)The Bilderbergers Secret Society; 5) The Club of Rome conceived plan to divide the world into 10 kingdoms which fulfills key prophecy; 6)Trilateral Commission - Focuses on Zbigniew Brzezinski, as a follower of Karl Marx. Was key adviser to President Carter and is now advising Obama. Running Time: 3 hours, 15 minutes on 2 DVDs. Languages: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
$19.95 Retail $29.99 | Currently Unavailable |
THE ONE video every Mason to whom you are witnessing must see! Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the heart of Freemasonry by exposing truths only known to a former Satanist. After proving that Masonry does claim to be a religion, Marquis quotes from a Masonic handbook which says that 'The name Jesus Christ means absolutely nothing' to a Mason!
Six parts to this video: 1) Legend of Hiram Abiff. Shows how Masons place Nimrod symbols inside their version of Solomon's Temple; 2) Captain Morgan fuels the Anti-Masonic Movement; 3) Religion and the Masons; 4) Illuminati - Masonic connection. Two Movements completely intertwined. Covers famous Masons and Witches. Very interesting! 5) Masonry and Washington, D.C. Unique portion here is that Marquis shows another small town which has a monument stating that Washington, D.C., streets were laid out in the Masonic Square and Compass; 6) Spiritual adultury, secret handshakes and strange symbols. Running Time: 3 hours on 2 DVDs. Languages: English. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).
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