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Dave Hunt, 1999
Is there a connection between Y2K and prophecy, as so many are claiming today? Should Christians be participating in the Y2K frenzy? No on both counts, according to prophecy expert and bestselling author Dave Hunt. In his reasoned and hardhitting response to the often overblown claims about the millennium bug, Hunt argues that fear is sidetracking Christians from the real task of these days. Y2K, he says, has not been foretold in God's word. It is not prophecy but an electronic problem with solutions. 286 pages, paper, index Retail $9.99 More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Arno and Joel Froese, 1999
Arno Froese and Joel Froese examine the complexities relating to the "Y2K" issue, presenting an understandable answer for the last days of this millennium. When Y2K Dies sorts out the conflicting reports presently overwhelming America in the print, radio and TV media. This is the book that seperates facts from fiction and shows if, when, and why chaos will make room for order. It documents, in plain, non-technical terms, the potential danger and the available remedy, all relating to Y2K. 204 pages, paper, index More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Mark A. Kellner, 1999
Kellner looks at the latest evidence for what may happen to daily life if personal, local, national, or global computers misread the date on January 1, 2000. He distills the detailed information available and offers us a reasoned approach to this highly sensationalized topic. He helps readers know how to prepare, and how not to, including concrete steps to take to "debug" everything from your PC to your church's automatic thermostat and your ATM card. 160 pages, paper, glossary, appendix, index More Information, Table of Contents, Author Profile
Don McAlvany, 1999 |
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The Y2K Tidal Wave documents how global chaos and confusion during the Y2K computer crisis on January 1, 2000 may set the stage for the rise of Antichrist, the cashless society and the ultimate return of Christ. McAlvany convincingly shows how the Y2K crisis, along with weakened stock markets and the failure of leadership, may collapse our international economy. This crisis endangers our utilities, food supplies, and the global financial system. Learn how to protect your family, your life savings, and business during this extraordinary crisis. 286 pages, paper.
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Thousands of experts in finance, communicatons, and computer technology are now predicting an international crisis. Congress has warned that utilities may be impacted. News reports warn of martial law. Others warn that government payroll checks and Social Security checks may not be delivered, and banks may be forced to close. In this revealing new book, you'll find the answers to questions such as:
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