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Clarence Larkin
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Also See: Clarence Larkin Charts | Rev. Gosey Charts | Full-Color Prophecy Charts | Dispensationalism | Daniel Studies | Revelation Studies |

Clarence Larkin Photo American Baptist pastor, Bible teacher, and writer, Clarence Larkin was born October 28, 1850, in Chester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He was converted to Christ at the age of 19 and then felt called to the Gospel ministry, but the doors of opportunity for study and ministry did not open immediately. He then got a job in a bank.

When he was 21 years old, he left the bank and went to college, graduating as a mechanical engineer. He continued as a professional draftsman for a while, then he became a teacher of the blind. Click Here to continue biography

Clarence Larkin Collection

Set of Nine Books

Clarence Larkin

Retail $257.55
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24 hours!

Save 10% on this set of nine books by Clarence Larkin. Set inlcudes five hardcover books, three booklets and one comb-bound book of charts. Titles in this set are:

Clarence Larkin Collection

Set of Five Books

Clarence Larkin

Retail $175.75
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24 hours!

Save 10% on this wonderful set of five hardcover books by Clarence Larkin. Titles in this set are:

Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth Photo

100th Anniversary Edition
2017 Printing

Clarence Larkin, 1918, 1920

$59.95Ships within
24 hours!

This is Larkin's famous book on dispensationalism that includes his beautifully-drawn black and white charts published as a special 100th Anniversary Edition. Book is approximately 10 X 10 inches with a black hardcover stamped "Dispensational Truth" in gold lettering. The dust cover shows the book's complete title, The Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth in the World. This is the much sought-after high-quality edition published by the Clarence Larkin Estate. A must-have book for any student of prophecy. 176 pages, hardcover, over 100 charts, maps, woodcuts.

More Information, List of Charts, Sample Charts, List of Woodcuts

The Book of Revelation Photo


Clarence Larkin, 1919.

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24 hours!

Interpreted from a premillennial, dispensational viewpoint, Larkin's purpose is to show that Revelation is to be taken literally, and that it is written in chronological order. Also illustrated with over 30 charts, maps, and diagrams.

210 pages, hardback, maps, charts, woodcuts

Table of Contents, List of Charts, Maps, Woodcuts

The Book of Daniel Photo


Clarence Larkin, 1929.

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24 hours!

Dispensational commentary on Daniel that includes Larkin's famous charts.

267 pages, hardback

More Information, Table of Contents, List of Charts

Rightly Dividing the Word


Clarence Larkin, 1920

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24 hours!

From the front cover: This book "Rightly Divides" the fundamentals in a series of contrasts, as "Law and Grace," "Faith and Works," "Standing and State," "Sin and Salvation," " Atonement and Redemption," etc. It contains the ream and meat of the Author's sermons and Bible lectures, for thirty years, and is illustrated with 55 charts and diagrams. The charts are clear and simple and adapted to Institute and Bible class work. 328 pages, hardback, illustrated.

Table of Contents, List of Charts

The Spirit World


Clarence Larkin, 1921

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24 hours!

From the front cover: This book gives the teaching of the Holy Scriptures as to the "Spirit World." It treats of the "Power of Good and Evil," of the "Underworld," of "Satan," of the "Fallen Angels," of "Demonism," of "Soul Sleep: the "Intermediate State" the "Resurrections" and "Judgments" and of "Heaven" and "Hell." It contains 19 chapters and is illustrated with 27 pictures and 17 charts. 158 pages, hardback.

Table of Contents, List of Pictures, List of Charts

The Second Coming of Christ


Clarence Larkin, 1918-1922

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24 hours!

A comprehensive booklet on the second coming of Christ illustrated with some of Larkin's famous charts. Topics include: The Transfiguration, Spirit World, Resurrections, Imminency of the Second Coming, History of the Doctrine, Church Versus the Kingdom, Signs of the Times, and more. 71-page booklet.

More Information, Table of Contents, List of Charts & Illustrations

Why I am a Baptist


Clarence Larkin, 1902, 1991

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24 hours!

Contents include:

  • Origin of the Baptists
  • History of the Baptists
  • Standing and Number of the Baptists
  • The Doctrines of the Church
  • Baptism
  • Baptisteries
  • Infant Baptism
  • The Lord's Supper
  • The Church
  • Baptism in the New Testament
53-page booklet.

A Medicine Chest For Christian Practitioners


Clarence Larkin, 1895, 1978

$6.95Ships within
24 hours!

Contents include:

  • The Christian Worker's Outfit
  • How to Mark Your Bible
  • How to Treat Inquirers
  • The New Birth
  • How We May Know We Are Born Again
  • How The World May Know It
  • Practical Methods
  • The After Meeting
  • How To Pull The Net
24-page booklet.

Book of Charts


Clarence Larkin, 1921

$54.95Ships within
24 hours!

This is a comb-bound set of charts that appear in Larkin's most famous book, The Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth in the World. There are 62 black and white charts. Each chart measures 10 inches high by 21 inches wide. Charts cover every topic of Bible prophecy and much more. A great collector's item! 62 pages, comb bound.

Sample Charts:

Sample Charts

Some Charts Available for Purchase Individually

Larkin biography continued...

This last endeavor cultivated his descriptive faculties -- something God would later use in him to produce a monumental work on dispensational theology. Later, failing health compelled him to give up his teaching career. After a prolonged rest, he became a manufacturer.

But he was not happy. He felt that God wanted him in the Gospel ministry. When he was converted he had become a member of the Episcopal Church, but in 1882, at the age of 32, he became a Baptist and was ordained as a Baptist minister two years later. He went directly from business into the ministry.

His first charge was at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania; his second pastorate was at Fox Chase, Pennsylvania, where he remained for 20 years. He was not a premillennialist at the time of his ordination, but his study of the Scriptures, with the help of some books that fell into his hands, led him to adopt the premillennialist position. He began to make large wall charts, which he titled, "Prophetic Truth," for use in the pulpit. These led to his being invited to teach, in connection with his pastoral work, in two Bible institutes. During this time he published a number of prophetical charts, which were widely circulated.

When World War I broke out in 1914, he was called on for addresses on The War and Prophecy. Then God laid it on his heart to prepare a work on Dispensational Truth (or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages), containing a number of charts with descriptive matter. He spent three years of his life designing and drawing the charts and preparing the text. The favorable reception it has had since it was first published in 1918 seems to indicate that the world was waiting for such a book.

Because it had a large and wide circulation in this and other lands, the first edition was soon exhausted. It was followed by a second edition, and then, realizing that the book was of permanent value, Larkin revised it and expanded it, printing it in its present form. Larkin followed this masterpiece with other books: Rightly Dividing the Word, The Book of Daniel, Spirit World, Second Coming of Christ, and A Medicine Chest for Christian Practitioners, a handbook on evangelism.

Larkin, a kind and gentle man, deplored the tendency of writers to say uncharitable things about each other, so he earnestly sought to avoid criticisms and to satisfy himself with simply presenting his understanding of the Scriptures. Though he did not intend to publish his own works, the Lord led in that direction. During the last five years of his life, the demand for Larkin's books made it necessary for him to give up the pastorate and devote his full time to writing. He went to be with the Lord on January 24, 1924.


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